A guide for fire extinguisher location and installation


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Installing and locating a fire extinguisher in a building is part of complete fire safety services and as per the AS 2444-2001 standard, which provides the guidance of how and where the fire extinguishers and blankets should be played, they must be adhered to at any cost.

If you are worried about installing your fire safety equipment, then you need not to worry as any company who provide fire equipment services will help you understand the installation of fire extinguishers and fire blankets in your homes.

You can always call the nearby or local fire authority or go through the building code of New Zealand to clear every query regarding building safety.

But as you have come so far to learn about the installation of fire extinguishers and blankets, we have crafted this article to help you answer your questions.

The requirements of installing fire equipments in your workplace

According to the standard of locating a fire equipment your fire extinguisher and  blanket must be placed at least within 15m radius of high risk areas where you will find most of your equipment which run on electricity and may catch fire in case of any accident.

Any equipment must be placed 10cm above the floor, but not exceeding a height of 1.2 meters, so it can be within  arm’s reach.

Installing fire equipment in schools

Schools are almost similar to workplace and other commercial buildings and the school management must follow the standards set by AS 2444-2001.

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It is important that fire equipment should be placed outside the reach of children. You can place them in a cabinet or behind a glass door, but make sure not to lock it so in case of emergency you can easily acquire it without wasting a second.

Safety equipment for vehicles

As you know, your vehicles come with their own safety features and it would be better to keep in mind the safety of your car in case of a Construction site fire watch.

It is almost necessary for vehicles such as oil tankers and RVs used for work to have fire extinguishers and fire blankets in them. You can always learn how to get them installed in these cars in case of any accident from AS 2444-2001 standard for portable fire  extinguishers.

You can place a fire extinguisher in front of the passenger seat for easy and quick access in case of any fire. Also, you can ask your local fire authorities as to how you can install a fire extinguisher in your cars.

Fire extinguishers and blankets for hospitals

According to the NSW health guide there are only a selected fire equipment you can place in an area dedicated to patient care. For further information you can contact your fire equipment services provider.

The equipments allowed are

·         CO2 extinguishers

·         Water fire extinguishers (without fire hose reels

·         3M NOVEC 1230 FIRE PROTECTION FLUID (this is only for MRI units)

More care is advised in case of fire in hospitals, you are advised to place proper signs and directions to help patients find fire safety equipment in case of any emergencies.

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Code of building safety must be followed at all times in order to maintain safety standards in your workplaces, buildings and your homes.

Following the set standards will help you avoid further damage in accidents and may potentially save your life.

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