A few Influential Americans to Inspire You in Life


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We tend to seek inspiration from everywhere. When we are down, depressed, or encounter failures in life, we refer to their life and struggle to get motivated. Every failure has a thin silver lining that gives hope in despair. If you fail, always remember that it is not the end of life. You can always start afresh. However, there is no reason to believe that your next attempt at life will break all success records. That is not life at all, and it is never seamless. Challenges are a part-and-parcel of life, and so are failures. If you are inspired by the right stories, life will seem like a cakewalk eventually. 

Let us now give you an idea about some of the most inspiring and influential people in the US:

Bill Gates                                                                         

Well, who does not know this successful entrepreneur and co-owner of one of the leading organizations in the world, The Microsoft Corporation? He enrolled at Harvard University to study law initially but dropped out of college to continue with his dream project with his partner. It was in 1975 that he co-founded Microsoft with Allen. It was not a smooth ride, but we know how it all turned out. Today, he has a net worth of $120 Billion and is one of the richest men alive. He has sold much of his Microsoft shares and owns only 1% of it. But he remains one of the most powerful Americans to this date. 

Colin Jost

A successful writer of the Saturday Night Live program and the husband of Scarlett Johansson, Colin has achieved more in his lifetime than many others in the field. He gets $25,000 per episode, a big number compared to other writers. Coming to his financial assets, COLIN JOST net worth is around $6 million today. The man has been into the debate since his school days, and he believes in respecting the opponent’s views besides defending his own. But, something that you may not know is, Colin was hired as a writer when he was just 22, an inspiration for all budding writers out there. So guys, do not believe anyone who says that you cannot earn money writing. 

Bethany Hamilton

The famous surfer and inspiration for sports enthusiasts, Bethany Hamilton’s life are no less than an adventure movie. She started surfing when she was only 8, and at 13, her left arm was bitten off by a shark, thus seemingly putting her surfing career to a standstill. But Bethany was not to be put down so easily. She resumed her career in competitive surfing a few years later and even managed to win a national title in 2005. 

Kimberley Woolen

Yes, she is the widow of Glen Campbell, but that is not Kimberley’s only identity. She lost her husband to Alzheimer’s but is a fighter herself. A dancer and a woman of a golden heart, Kimberly Woolen has a net worth of $50 million today. She is a private woman, who has managed to stay away from social media in a world dominated by it. Coming from broken family background, Kimberley managed to stay strong and spent a happy married life, crushing rumors and looking after her husband with love and care till the end of his days. 

All these successful celebs teach us a common thing. You can be anything, a dotting wife, a struggling writer or a college drop-out, or a physically disabled person. If your heart is in the right place, no one can stop you from creating a mark in your field. 

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