Different Strategies an Architect uses to Recruit Talents

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The profession of an architect includes a lot of challenges and tasks to be finished. It certainly is not one man’s job. But the challenges increase more when the right expert is not there to offer better support. However, an architecture recruitment agency can ease down such hassle of hiring. Beyond this, an architect can hire a Level II architect or even a BIM expert using different strategies. These strategies can ease down the challenges that often an architect faces while creating a job advert to grab the attention of the best experts.

Use social media:

These days the use of the internet has gained the attention of many people. The emergence of platforms like search engine optimization and social media has opened the door for many opportunities. Talking of which, social media can be the best source to come across different candidates. Platforms like LinkedIn are meant for coming across better prospects. As the individual puts the profile details, LinkedIn would advise different people working within the same network. This way a person can start a two-way conversation with bright prospects and thus discover the talent. Social media however is not just used for hiring requirements. It also allows the architect to be present constantly on such a platform so that potential candidates can know about their presence.

Referrals From Employees

An employee referral program can offer better prospects and encourage the best of the employees to showcase their talent. If any existing employees are in the same network to date, they can suggest better candidates too. Since they are well versed with the challenges and company culture, half of the job to explain the working to the new prospects shall end. This way an individual would know the prospect advised by existing employees is reliable and have expedience too.

Go through CVs online

There are so many job sources and sites that offer a platform for job seekers to post their CVs online. A recruiter can serac for the prospects by name or through the job title as well. Besides, different search terms are set as the criteria to shortlist. This would cover the qualification, experience, and skills as well. But while searching through different CVs one needs to make up their mind to invest their time on this for quite along.

Get in touch with a Specialist Recruitment agency:

An individual can outsource the hiring process to an architecture recruitment agency. This would give the architects only the professional since the agency already has an in-depth knowledge of the market. They shall plan the strategy in such a manner that protects with prior experience in the industry will be introduced to the person who wants to hire. Also, there are other advantages that these professionals offer such as:

  • Knowledge of talents available
  • Offer better remuneration packages
  • An assured platform to reach the talent

Be a part of Design Events

Often some different industrial events and lectures are conducted. An architect can consider this platform or even plan to host one since it improves networking. This is one of the proven strategies for professional networking which also creates a market authority. It includes different candidates who can be potential and expert enough to be part of the project for which this whole hiring process is being initiated. This platform is also helpful for job seekers who want to improve their scope to understand the different positions that were not advertised earlier in regular old platforms.

Come across different Past Applicants

There could be a chance that an architecture recruitment agency may offer some past applicants that were almost shortlisted but did not get selected. Some exceptional candidates who could not make it to the previous hiring can also prove to be a golden asset for the organization. If the hiring is done for a similar role for which recruitment was done earlier then it is worth considering those candidates who were previously shortlisted but due to small fact their selection was not done.


There is no doubt that the job of an architect can be a rewarding experience. Besides, the pay is quite good too. However, the strategies shared above can make it easy to find a talented team who can meet the expectations. Besides, there is also an architecture recruitment agency that can help in connecting the architects with the better prospects who can practice together in the future.

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