The Rising Popularity of Cremation Services

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Burial and cremation are the two popular options that people get to choose when settling for funeral arrangements for their loved ones. Burial has been a popular choice for many across the world, especially among those following the faiths of Christianity and Islam. But, in recent times, cremation services seem to be gaining immense popularity among families. When looking for cremation services washington offers a wide array of varieties.

Cremation service has been throughout history

The whole concept of cremation might seem strange to a lot of people as they believe that the only real way of putting someoneā€™s soul to rest is by burying them in the ground. To the surprise of many, cremation services have been performed throughout history. But, still, several individuals are against the idea. Today people are becoming ecologically conscious and widely accepting cremation services over the traditional burial arrangements because of the benefits the service has to offer.

Cheaper and an affordable option

One of the prime reasons for individuals choosing cremation over burial services is that the former is cheaper and easily affordable. When a burial arrangement is made, several funeral customs need to be done, which involves a lot of money. Such funeral costs can be avoided with cremation services, making it easier for the families of the deceased to afford.

There is no compulsion to invest in a casket, which can cost hundreds of dollars. Moreover, cremation services eliminate the need to invest in a burial plot and the fees for grave opening and closing. In addition, there is also no requirement to embalm the body, which is an expensive affair. A lot of the funeral costs and can be avoided. While considering cremation services washington has become a popular spot and more people are ditching burial services.

The freedom to do anything with the ashes

In recent years, cremation services have become popular for yet another reason. It gives the freedom to the family members of the deceased to do anything with the ashes. Some opt to scatter the ashes in specific places that hold special meaning to the deceased. Local cemetery, mountain tops, family properties, and seas are some of the popular places for scattering ashes. It is done since it is believed that doing so will keep the memories of the deceased alive. Moreover, the family members of the deceased can visit the places and honor the dead.

It is further believed by some that cremation is the only way to make the souls free from the body and the troubles of the world. This is the way of returning to nature and becoming one with the Earth. They feel greater jot in circulating around the air and water of the Earth rather than being buried in the ground.

You can also choose any decorativeĀ cremation urnsĀ made of glass, ceramic, wood, metal, and other durable materials. In addition, the ashes are also converted into jewelry pieces, like bracelets, pendants, pins, etc. This is the perfect way to keep the deceasedā€™s memories close to one.

Beneficial to the ecology

More and more people are becoming environmentally conscious and thereby considering cremation as the preferred choice over burial services. When cremation service is chosen there is no need to use the land for grave burials. In addition, chemicals are also not in use for embalming the bodies. Cremation is a greener option as trees are also not chopped for making caskets since people are ditching the concept of using caskets.

Some argue that cremation services donā€™t qualify as a green method since fossil fuels are in use to cremate the body. Nevertheless, cremation is the most eco-friendly of all the available funeral options.


The above-mentioned are the three most popular reasons why people are choosing cremation over burial services. While some donā€™t understand the concept and approve of it. On the other hand, several people find it a better option for being cheaper, and earth-friendly. No matter whether cremation is considered a better option or not than burial services, it is important to consider the wishes of the deceased. If the deceased man/woman had shown interest in cremation, it must be regarded by the family, and cremation services washington wonā€™t disappoint with its myriad facilities.

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