5 Essential Tips To Make Moving Super-Easy


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Making a decision to move from the place you used to call “home” for so long can be a difficult one. But as hard as it might be, going through the actual moving process is what dissuades many from ever making that move according to the experts at Move Central.

Getting a handle of all the moving tasks is not easy. However, with a good plan to keep track of all your moving steps, it can be significantly less scary than you imagined it would be.

In reality, with all the apps and services available today moving has never been easier. In this article, we’ll give you a few tips on how to use all available resources to make your next move a smooth ride.

Develop A Packing Strategy

The easiest way to get yourself into a mess is to pack your stuff with no system. It might be easier in the beginning, but once you move, looking for your items through cluttered boxes can be exhausting.

That is why you need to develop a packing strategy, not just randomly throw your things into boxes. Start with deciding which rooms you are going to pack first. We recommend starting with rooms that aren’t as essential, such as your guest room or bathroom, attic or basement.

The reason is simple. Moving can take some time and you’ll likely have to spend some more time in your old house or apartment, leaving the essentials for as long as possible will make day to day life much easier.

Color Code Your Boxes

Another way to easily find anything you need during a move is to color-code your packing boxes. You can assign codes based on rooms (kitchen, bathroom), item type (gadgets, clothes, personal items) or any other system that works for you. You can use already colored boxes or a simple multi-colored tape to assign a purpose for each box.

List All The Box Contents

Another easy way to navigate the clutter is to create a list of all the contents of every box. This will help you know where your belongings are, both packed or unpacked. This way, if you need an item before you’ve unpacked everything you can easily find it.

Of course, to do this you’ll need to assign a number or any other code to each box, so you’ll know what’s where.

Keep A Checklist Nearby

Moving usually involves a lot of processes, from communicating with the moving company to handling your finances. Keeping track of the what and the when can make your life during and after a move so much easier.

Fortunately, the solution is easy. Create a checklist to keep track of all your duties will make moving so much easier, organized and save you a lot of time. To make things even easier, you can use reminders in popular assistant apps like Alexa or Google Assistant so you always stay ahead.

Pack The Moving Day Essentials Separately

Last but not least, make sure to pack all the essential items you might need for your moving day in a separate box or a bag. Before you do, make sure to write down what those essentials are.

These usually include items such as underwear, clothes, medication, toiletries, credit cards, extra cash, documents, toilet paper, pet items and more. 



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