What are the Most Common Consequences of Car Accidents in Queens

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Queens, NY, witnessed around 2656 car accidents in 2020 as per the Motor Vehicle Collision Report submitted by the Police Department, City of New York. Queens is the largest of the five boroughs of New York, and local residents spend around $70.8 million on hospitalization costs annually. 

The results of a car accident in Queens could range from minor bruises and small damages to the vehicle to severe injuries and destruction of the motor vehicles involved. Queens drivers are expected to follow strict traffic laws, and the city follows “no-fault car insurance” rules. This typically means that a person injured in a car accident will have to file for personal injury damages in his capacity with a personal injury or car accident lawyer. 

An expert Queens car accident lawyer can be of immense value if you are a car accident victim.

Causes for Car Accidents in Queens

As per reports, the most prominent cause of car accidents in Queens, NY, is vehicle rollovers. Other common causes include crashes, hit, and run accidents, collisions, and more. Over 30% of Queens Car accident victims need hospitalization. 

As per the “contributory negligence law” that is in place in New York, every person involved in the accident may be responsible for the accident to some extent. The car accident victims are thus required to prove the other party’s negligence with the help of a Queens car accident lawyer.

No-Fault Car Insurance Scheme

Unlike liability-based car insurance schemes, persons covered by a no-fault car insurance scheme do not have the option of demanding damages coverage from the “at-fault driver’s” insurance company. Queens, NY, falls under the category of no-fault car insurance cities and victims have a more difficult time proving their eligibility for settlement and reimbursement. To be eligible for a no-fault car insurance claim, the victim will have to prove that:

  • They suffered “significant injuries” in the form of fracture, disfigurement, permanent physical disabilities that limit them from full potential physical functioning, or severe disability for over 90 days;
  • They incurred over $1001 as property damage from the car accident.

Filing for a Claim

The victim is required to file the claim with his/her insurance company. The insurance coverage may include medical reimbursement and some additional compensation based on the severity of damages. Your attorney will also help you establish “comparative negligence” of the other driver or pedestrian involved in the accident. 

Suppose the lawyer is successful in establishing the other party’s responsibility. In that case, the court may ask the other party’s insurance company to compensate for your medical costs, wage loss, and other damages. 

The jury calculates the monetary amount of “total plaintiff’s damages” and the percentage of responsibility of both parties involved in the accident. You will have to file the claim within three years from the crash date to be eligible for compensation. 

Work With an Experienced Attorney

Over 12000 severe car accident injuries are reported in New York every year. Queens, NY, falls under the jurisdiction of New Yorks’ traffic legislations. If you are a Queen’s driver who is the victim of a car accident, you may want to contact your attorney at the earliest. Your lawyer can help you deal with the legal intricacies surrounding the accident and guide you on the best steps to take.

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