How Wash Bays Are Used in the Mining Industry


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Oils, dust, solids, and mud may completely and quickly foul pieces of equipment, trucks, and conveyors. Keeping your mining equipment clean might avoid expensive shutdowns of your activities.

Mining in very remote places almost guarantees activities without a sewer connection. Most of the time, these mining equipment installation activities are adjacent to environmentally sensitive places. The combination of rainwater and wastewater may flow to water bodies, resulting in environmental problems. These issues can be costly, especially when you don’t handle the situation properly. To help you understand how wash bays can be used in the mining sector, be sure to narrow down to the following details:

  1. Manual and Automatic Washing

Mining cars work in very extreme conditions and need routine maintenance so as to run safely and properly. Cleaning these cars before offering them maintenance services is challenging. Based on the mining site’s condition and the size of the car, it might take around 12 hours to clean every part of the vehicle. The products you use will also reduce the time needed to clean cars, allowing you to decrease equipment downtime. Fire hoses and manual high-volume monitors are the popular products you need. Using wash bays to clean haul pack trucks, bulldozers, and other heavy-duty equipment may also reduce the costs of washing by more than 82%.

On the other hand, fully automatic drive-through packages are also possible in the mining industry. Automatic washing offers more effective and faster solutions for mining activities where conditions demand limited workers in the wash bay. This kind of washing is designed for bigger street-legal vehicles, like semi-tractors, dumpers, and other heavy cars that easily leave the mining site for public roads.

  1. Water Conservation and Recycling

Magnum automated wash solutions can reduce water consumption by reclaiming water during cycles. This means you can reuse approximately 88% of water. Apart from being environmentally-friendly, this is very important for the mining sector, subject to monitoring and stringent water-consumption regulations. Typically, a wash bay produces water containing many pollutants, including degreaser, oil, surfactants, soluble hydrocarbons, and suspended solids.

Mining sites situated in rural areas can invest in a system, which features a water conservation device. By recycling water, mining sites can have an alternative of repurposing treated water for washing activities at the wash bay and spraying the soil so as to minimize the dust levels.

A system that also consists of pH correction controllers, water tanks, oil skimmers, chlorine dosing, hydrochloride mining oil separators, and filtering systems can also be resourceful in your wash bay. Using a mining oil separator and other machines, water from your mining site and rainwater will be filtered and cleaned to eliminate pathogens before proceeding to pH correction.

In a Nutshell!

Big mining sites are usually equipped with a heavy car wash bay where you can clean a range of cars, including a large-scale mining earth mover. Introducing a mining oil separator in your cleaning station may help to filter the wastewater so that you can reuse it in your wash bay.

Although a heavy car wash bay in a mining site might be the same as those used in other commercial applications, there are key differences. For instance, cars to get cleaned in the mining settings will be driven onto a concrete pad. Whether you prefer setting a permanent or temporary wash bay in your mining site, ensure you comply with water authority requirements revolving around wastewater processing.

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