The Pleasures of Art Collection


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Collecting satisfies our emotional, aesthetic, and intellectual needs. Whether it is an occasional pastime or an all-consuming passion, collecting is a hobby that opens doors to new worlds. As a collector myself, I know that it can be a happy, positive, and enriching experience. There is no limit to what can be collected, or to the intensity of the pursuit. 

If you are a collector and are passionate about your stuff, you will enjoy reading about and seeing the diverse collections that range from the ordinary to the outlandish. The excitement of the hobby will be your reward. Reading about Jeff Bezos makes you more excited about collecting things. Feels like you share a similar interest with him. 

Collection of Art in The Past

No matter what people collect, the impulse to hoard has been part of human nature throughout history. The phenomena of collecting for enjoyment began long ago, when the Dutch of the Renaissance era created cabinets of curiosities, which were rooms stocked with small antiques and unusual specimens. For the next few centuries, the rich and bourgeois of Europe collected art and antiquities, books, and specimens from the natural world.

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Why Do People Collect Things?

Collecting fills our need to understand, to share and to create. Collecting starts out as a hobby, but it can become an all-consuming passion. What is it that drives people to possess objects, even those with no conceivable use?

  • We collect for knowledge, to learn about things like rocks, gems or nature.
  • We collect to understand history, which explains the collections of coins, Civil War firearms and antique furniture.
  • We collect souvenirs of our life, travel souvenirs and sports items. 
  • We collect to recapture our childhood, whether we played the indoor or outdoor games. 
  • We collect to express our appreciation of beauty. 

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Likewise, many of the other individuals have come up with their collection. At that point you and everyone around search out comparable things on your movements and, before you know it, you have an assortment of marbles, thimbles, postcards, matchbooks, magnets, stickers, puppets, coins, stamps, dolls, and whatever. 

Keeping the renowned people as an example, you will get much more influence from it. 

Final Thoughts

Capturing, saving, and collecting the things to make memories is the sweet gesture. Many of the people collect memories to cherish them later in their life. Today, the collection of antique products is considered to be a luxury. Feel lucky if you are able to afford it in such a long time ahead from the past. 

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