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 The importance of financial statement audit can never be overstated and no one can deny the fact that a good auditor will always have to make sure that all the issues faced by the organization are cleared very effectively and there is an overall improvement in the company operations. The financial audit can be referred to as the detailed examination of the financial statements of the organization. This particular audit is carried out by the experts and the company should go with the option of an external expert that has no link with the company so that report is highly objective.

 Following are some of the reasons why financial statements audit is considered to be a very important task:

 -It will help to provide a detailed review of the organization: Whenever the auditors will be conducting the financial auditing of all the statements they will be undertaking a complete analysis of the clean records of the organization. It will also help to make sure that the company is very well stable and spends its time and efforts in the best possible prospects. The best part of conducting an audit is that the people in authority get an idea about things to be focused on an organization.

 -It helps in improving the credit rating of the organization: Having regular Internal Audit Management report is considered to be a great concept of developing a beneficial relationship with any of the stakeholder of the Organization. The business investors are always interested in the success of the company which can be very well depicted with the help of auditing related statements. So, it is considered to be a great way of increasing the investor confidence so that company can enjoy continued support.

 -It is directly linked with reliability: Regular and proper auditing will always help to make sure that the statements and records of the company are highly assured in terms of reliability. So, any of the business can avail several kinds of benefits with the help of proper auditing statements. The company can very easily reach the conclusions in all matters of taxation along with several other areas of interest with proper financially audited statements.

 -It is considered to be a great way of promoting the accountability: The Company can also go with the option of utilizing the report of the auditor to promote the element accountability for the managers and the employees in the company. The employees will always focus more on dependable accounting as well as management in case they know the company is regularly audited by experts. It will also keep an eye on the working procedures undertaken by the people and they will be correcting their mistakes side-by-side. So, it will help in making the work of everybody in the organization highly reliable.

 Hence, financial statement assertions are also a very important component of the auditing procedure of financial statements. Auditing will always help in tracking and solving all sorts of internal issues so that company can provide greater reliability to all the stakeholders with greater peace of mind.   

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