9 Secret Techniques to Improve Your Lifestyle


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Everyone wants to be healthy, but seldom people work towards it. Admittedly, starting off the journey of wellness can be overwhelming, especially if you have been negligent about your health. 

However, the following 9 tips are surefire way of improving lifestyle, for a better and wholesome living!

1 Quality sleep is your best friend 

People everywhere lead extremely busy lives. There is simple so much to be done and in this mayhem of everyday existence, we often forget find time to just rest. 

Just as being active is good for the body, resting is vital for the body as well. Getting sufficient shuteye is a fundamental pillar of healthy existence, however, many people tend to ignore it. 

There are many short- and long-term dangers of insufficient sleep. The immediate impact of sleepless night is feeling groggy the next day. It also slows the reflexes and makes people more irritable. People who are not well-rested also are at a higher risk of having accidents. 

Overtime, chronic sleep deprivation leads to more serious disorders in the body. Brain does not get time to assimilate the information gathered during the day. Also, no downtime for the brain means it get exhausted. Memory, concentration, attention etc. suffer as a consequence. In extreme cases, people get mental conditions like depression, anxiety and hallucinations due to their chronic sleep deprivation. 

Similarly, lack of sleep also increases the risk for obesity, cardiovascular diseases. It also weakens the immune system. Moreover, hormone secretions are also affected due to lack of sleep.

A very vital role is played by sufficient quality sleep. If you are having trouble sleeping, there are several tips that are useful. Sticking to a proper sleeping routine is at the top of the list; your body likes having habits and following a pattern. 

Moreover, stop eating heavy meals before bed. Do not use digital devices in bed. They emit blue light which prevents easy dozing off. Also, caffeine intake has to be minimized, especially during the night and evening. Siesta is fine but avoid excessive day time sleeping. Alcohol also is not conducive to a good night’s sleep either. 

2 Practice Meditation and mindfulness 

To people who do not know how to meditate properly, it looks like a rather boring task. However, it is anything but. Meditation, especially mindfulness, have so many health benefits. When done right, these are extremely soothing as well.

The most profound impact they make on the life is reducing stress, and hence all the secondary complications that it leads to. Meditation also helps to slow down the aging of the brain, thereby preventing conditions like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s etc.

Meditation also is great for improving focus and attention. Whether it be workplace or academics, people who practice meditation are always sharp. It also plays a rather important role in helping people recover from addictions, as it makes a person more in control of their urges. 

Doing mediation with mindfulness every day is a surefire way of staying stress free, productive and young!

3 Watch out what you eat

A balanced diet is very vital for healthy living. It may be boring, but it’s the best tip for improving your life in general. Treat yourself every now and then, but do not make a habit of it. 

Moreover, a much more important concept is eating regular meals. Our body will react differently to food taken at different times, as circadian rhythm is indeed linked to digestion as well. So, missing out on breakfast, binging at dinner, eating till late at night or starving yourself entirely are the worst things that you can do to your body. 

Hence, an important lifestyle tip for improved quality of life is watch out on when you eat. Take regular meals; start off your day early with good breakfast, eat at intervals and do not sleep late at night. People following this tip live a healthier life. 

4 Do not overexert yourself

Perhaps it’s is a competitive world, so everyone has to overextend themselves, or perhaps there is simply so much to be done, but most of us are in a perpetual state of frenzy. 

While not being idle is good but working at the expense of your sanity and physical wellbeing is dangerous. People globally suffer from fatigue because they burnout at work or house, they suffer from stress and they do not get adequate sleep, exercise and diet. You get the picture; the life of an average adult these days. 

Therefore, it is important to devise an efficient system to get maximum work done through the day. Do not volunteer for everything, sometimes it’s okay to delegate. If there is enough on your plate, do not ask for more. Excuse yourself from social obligations if you do not have the time; simply, do not overexert yourself.

5 Water is life

Water plays a vital role in the human body. It moderates temperature, assists important chemical reactions, aids in flushing out toxins and waste, is a lubricant, keeps the digestive system running smoothly, is necessary for good circulation of oxygen, keeps the skin bright and youthful, helps the brain function etc. You get the picture- water is life. 

Yet, people are negligent with their water in-take. Men should at least drink 3 liters whereas women should take 2.12 liters of water, daily. So, drink the bare minimum amount of water always. Have a water bottle with you at all times. It also helps to keep track of the water intake. 

Cut down on too much caffeine as it promotes water loss from the body. Do not think that if you drink sweet lemonade and cold cola drinks, you are doing your body a favor. The sugar will undo all the good that comes from water. 

6 Take care of your skin as well 

Your skin plays an important role in disease prevention and well, making you look good. Skin also plays a vital role in temperature regulation as well. Therefore, taking care of skin is just as important aspect of healthy living as any. 

So, make time to pamper your skin. Follow a good cleansing routine. Stay clear from foods like sugar that causes inflammation. Also, always put on sunscreen when going out in the sun to prevent skin damage and diseases like skin cancer.

7 Guilty pleasures should be controlled 

We all have our vices; drinking, smoking, binging, watching too much television etc. These guilty pleasures do not do much damage if done every once in a blue moon, but when they become a permanent fixture, you can kiss quality life goodbye. 

Moreover, unlike the somewhat innocent guilty pleasures like eating in bed, habits like smoking, drinking etc. are addictive. No one knows before going into these murky waters if they will be able to easily control their urges. Save yourself the trouble and just not step into these habits that corrode away at organs and disrupt healthy living. 

8 Exercise 

As much as you may hate it, exercise is elixir of life. There are so many mental and physical benefits of exercise. It improves heart health, mood, bone density, muscular strength alongside decreasing stress levels etc.

Exercising however, does not mean you have to pump iron or do the mean jumping jacks that you loath so much. It simply means getting enough physical activity. Choose whatever you like best; a walk through the park, fun Zumba class, dancing with friends or soothing yoga. 

9 Your mental health comes first

Peaceful mind is becoming a rare found state. From the work to family politics to economic crisis, so many factors are perpetually ruining the mental peace. Some people are better able to deflect stress, but, most of us are not able to moderate stress levels.

Stress is one of the most serious conditions but is not identified and realized for its gravity. Alongside being emotionally draining, it leads to all-encompassing physical and mental conditions as well. 

It suppresses the immune system, hence leading to secondary ailments and complications. It also leads to heart diseases, obesity, depression, and even disability, according to Swedish research. 

Moreover, stress also wreaks havoc on intimate affairs as well. It causes problems with sexual performance. In some cases, it also leads to erectile dysfunction in men whereas it causes irregularities in menstrual cycle.

Suffice to say, monitoring stress levels is of utmost importance. For this, it is important that you prioritize your mental health. Cut out the things that cause you to break out in hives; whether its social media or toxic friends, they do not have space in your life.

Surround yourself with positive energy. Make time for yourself and people that keep you happy. Be kinder to yourself, yourself. Read energizing books and watch good light content. If, however, you are still having trouble managing stress, contact the top Psychiatrist in Lahore. Expert intervention surely is a great help.

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