7 Top Book Organization Tips

Tips Tricks

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Cramming books wherever there is available space is the worst way to store your books. This not only makes finding the title you want difficult but creates disorganization in the room and may damage the books. The New York Public Library gives good advice for storing your books. They say to “shelve your books upright, and support them with bookends so they won’t slump or become misshapen.” A solid book organization system ensures your books are properly cared for and that your home maintains its charm and appeal.

Creating a book organization system may seem time-consuming and complicated but should not consume much of your time or rack your brain. The following book organization tips are among many simple ways to organize your collection. The tips below work well for any book lover, whether their collection holds a few books or more than they’ll read in their lifetime.


1- Shelving System

2- Separate Hardbacks and Paperbacks

3- Arrange Books by Author

4- Stack Books

5- Organize Books Alphabetically

6- Arrange Books by Color

7- Arrange Books by Household Member

An in-depth look at each book organization tip

Tip One: Start With a Good Looking Shelf

Organizing books is easier when a beautiful bookshelf awaits their arrival. The beautiful décor addition complements the home -and your book collection. Various shelving options accommodate large and small spaces of modern, classic, or even eccentric design. Find the best sliding ladder and make shelves to create a unique book organization system in your home.

Tip Two: Separate Hardbacks and Paperbacks

Once your shelving system is in place, it is time to separate hardbacks from paperbacks so you can arrange them on the shelf. This tip creates a cleaner, more streamlined appearance on that amazing new bookshelf. You also better protect books when they’re arranged by the cover.

Tip Three: Arrange Books by Author 

Arranging books by author works well for readers who own several books by one writer. With books arranged by the author, you’re all set if you know the name you want.

You may also like arranging books by genre instead of by author, especially if you do not own a lot of books by the same author. This also helps easily find the right book when you want to read or otherwise need the title.

Tip Four: Stack Books

Have a collection of books on your read list? Do not forget the books and stack them on the bookshelf away from the rest of the collection. The books stand out when they’re stacked.

You could also stack a few stand-out books that catch the eye or titles that you otherwise want to highlight on the bookshelf. There is no wrong way to stack books, as long as it catches your eye.

Tip Five: Organize Books Alphabetically

Organizing books alphabetically is perhaps the most time-consuming of the options on this list, but works well for many people and definitely helps make finding the book that you want quicker and easier. However, an alphabetical organization doesn’t offer any unique perspectives on organization and by most standards is considered bland and boring.

Tip Six: Arrange Books by Color

It’s an Instagram-worthy moment. Are you up for the challenge? Arrange your books by color and give your room a funky-fresh vibe that may inspire you to read a book (or two) more often. Plus, you’ll be the coolest book reader on the block when you’ve organized by color.

Tip Seven: Arrange by Person

For large households with several readers, this tip works well. Create a shelf for each person in the home. Create a label for that person and affix it to the outside of their shelf. Most people use multi-self bookshelves for this task because they come in assorted styles, colors, designs, and sizes that accommodate small and large families alike.

Do not look at organizing your books as a dreaded task, but instead an opportunity to recreate your space and revive your passion and excitement for reading. The tips above are among the many simple ways to conquer this feat.

Happy reading!

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