7 Resources for Helping You Write Copy That Isn’t Boring!


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Content marketing is the cool kid in advertising. This is because the web provides us with content to accomplish so much with relatively limited resources. Also, copy that establishes authority, trust, builds relationship, and as well get people to share, talk and buy is in high demand. Consequently, spicing up a copy and make a boring copy more engaging for readers is the goal.

Read on to learn more about the 7 resources for helping you write copy that is not boring

#1 – Headline 101

This resource is a must-learn for every copywriter. If a copy’s headline is weak, the copy will never get read. This is the same for the content in question. It will also not get read if you put a waffly, vague, or obscure piece of headline on the best piece of content your readers have ever seen. Also, if you manage a decent audience, a writer still needs to persuade them now and then. This will help you to continue to get their attention. An impressive way to do is that is by using a catchy headline.

Note that catchy headlines will not help copy that’s consistently weak and thin. All it can do is to

increase the engagement towards quality content including links and shares.

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#2 – Avoid Being So Clever

Understandably, a writer must have a secret love of clever wordplay. In-jokes, puns, and linguistic play are the delight of a great writer. However, this may not delight your audience. This means that writerly craft is a great tool. So, you need to be careful about the use of language while you make it clearer and more powerful for your audience. Cleverness in the long run can often lead directly to confuse your audience.

#3 – Be specific when relating your audience.

For good business writing, try to think of specific scenarios within the topic or headline. this is the case for those scenarios that can apply directly to your audience. For example, if you are writing a copy on weight management, mention how effective your product can be and how soon they can get to shed their weight. Be realistic when proving your points and address the pain points your specific readers are likely to have.

Doing this requires a great deal of research about the business copy in question. What this entails is getting to know the niche you are writing about well enough to explain to anyone in simple and explanatory terms.

Also, concentrate on your audience’s personas to get an insight into what there are actively looking for. In most cases, it is easier for those who are already in that field or industry. Once you have a glimpse of the niche, it will be easier to write informative articles tailored to the needs of your audience.

Take this article, for example, the message headline could have been another generic “7 Resources for writing a good copy” post featuring best practices. But by addressing a specific issue often experienced by writers like including “that is not boring” makes it specific.

#4 – Write with a Lighter Writing Style or Tone

Using a sense of humor whenever appropriate is very important for good writing. It will help the writing style of a professional business writer to be interesting for the readers and as well making the business copy more fun to write. It is important to write articles that are easy to get your reader to stick around. As such they will flow and digest your content easily as a result of your word choice

To make your copy digestible, you can build breaks into it, use good grammar, use short paragraphs, use the right word choice, use good sentence structure, and take advantage of writing white space. These tips are essentially important if your content is a lengthy piece of business writing even with prior editing.

Please note, that it’s easy to go overboard with a sense of humor, so save it for when it works naturally. With the use of a lighter tone, you will frame your content with a compelling big idea that teaches your readers. Another benefit of using a lighter tone is to engage your audience to reduce the bounce rate on your page.

#5- Essential to Break Down Complex Concepts

We can use confusing interchangeably with boring. Too much language complexity in a subject matter turns people off. This is attributed to the inability of the audience to comprehend what the content has to offer.

In reality, people prefer to read engaging content without a complex concept that isn’t boring instead of reading an academic paper with the same information. It’s better to explain concepts using a lighter tone for clarity in a way someone who didn’t major in that concept can understand.

Let’s take marketing, for example, vast varieties of business owners want to know how to market better. So, demystifying that topic with the use of direct simple languages or analogies will help readers to find your content helpful.

#6 – Be Sure of your Direction

In most, writing business copy is meant for a specific purpose. It may be that you are writing to stimulate a concise behavior. So, failing to get the basic behavior translates into losing while getting it means you win.

While the economy of marketing business content offers us the ability to experiment, it can help to develop an impressive idea of what, specifically with each piece of copy you create is meant to accomplish

#7 – Quit Being Boring

When writing your piece, always fascinatingly tell the truth. For marketing copy, It is better not to bore people into purchasing your product. What is realistic is to interest them in purchasing your products. To avoid being boring and to tell your truth fascinatingly, try as much as you can to clearly;

  • Use great visuals or imagery
  • Use humor
  • Employ reader-friendly formatting
  • Use personality
  • Present your Big Idea and many more


In the end, writing copy that is not boring often combines all these resources into one copy. Using all these resources is the art and science of effective copywriting principles. Gaining the skills of writing a copy that isn’t boring cannot be achieved overnight. This is because it requires regular practice to sharpen such writing skills to communicate with or focus on the audience for whom the copy is for.

However, there is room for improvement irrespective of your level, either a beginner or an experienced copywriter. Thus, master the resources in this article to get better at writing copy that is not boring.

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