7 Major Health Benefits Of Swimming As An Adult

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You may have heard that experts are advising adults to include swimming in their daily fitness regimen. Fitness bands also have a swimming mode as a part of their several fitness activity options.

7 Major Health Benefits Of Swimming As An Adult

There is no doubt that swimming has several health benefits. And now the question is, what are the health benefits that swimming has to offer adults. Here, I will tell you about 7 major health benefits of swimming as an adult. 

Works Your Whole Body

One of the major benefits of swimming is that it covers your entire body, from your head to toe. Here are the benefits that swimming with Swimhub has to offer you.

  • Builds endurance.
  • Builds strength.
  • Tones muscles.
  • Without stressing your body, it increases heart rate. 

In order to add variety to your regular swimming exercise, you can add the following strokes.

  • Freestyle.
  • Butterfly.
  • Sidestroke.
  • Backstroke.
  • Breaststroke.

While the water offers gentle resistance, each stroke focuses on different muscle groups. 

Works Your Insides Too

When you are swimming along with your muscles, your cardiovascular system is also getting a good workout. It makes your lungs and heart strong. Research says that swimming is so good that it is also capable of reducing your risk of death. 

Some other research also states that swimming might help you in controlling your sugar and lowering your blood pressure as well. 

Appropriate For People With Some Health Issues

People with the following issues can consider swimming as a safe exercise option.

  • Disability.
  • Injury.
  • Arthritis.
  • Any other issues, which usually make high-impact exercises much more difficult. 

Swimming also can reduce some of your pain and improve your recovery rate from an injury. A study also showed that people with osteoarthritis experienced a reduction in stiffness and pain and fewer physical limitations after they engaged with swimming. 

Torches Calories

In case you are thinking about burning some significant amount of calories, swimming is an effective way to do that. When a person weighs 160-pound, swimming for an hour in a moderate or low space, he or she is burning around 423 calories. 

If we compare it with other activities, that same person may burn approximately 314 calories by walking for one hour at a speed of 3.5 miles per hour. For yoga, the calorie-burning rate can be 183 calories per hour, and the elliptical trainer could burn only 365 calories in that same hour. 

Improve Your Sleep

Swimming also has the power to improve your sleep quality at night. A study that was conducted on older adults with insomnia showed that after engaging in swimming, they experienced a boat in both sleep and life. 

Almost 50% of older adults deal with some type of insomnia, so swimming can be a really good solution for them to get a good night’s sleep. 

Boosts Your Mood

Research has evaluated that a 12-week aquatic program with people with dementia saves an improvement in mood. Aquatic workouts and swimming are not only effective for people with dementia for boosting their mood but also for other people. 

Any kind of exercise is able to boost your mood, and when you are choosing swimming, you are opting for a much more effective way to enhance your mood. 

Helps To Manage Stress

A survey was conducted with 101 people; among them, 44 were mildly depressed and feeling stressed about the fast-paced life; after practicing swimming, the number of depressed people reduced to 8 from 44. 

Researchers concluded that swimming has the potential to reduce stress and depression effectively. With regular swimming, one can experience a considerate change in his or her stress level. 

Final Verdict

Swimming is also beneficial for people with asthma. It allows you to hold your breath for more time and also expands the capacity of your lungs. On the other hand, swimming also can increase your risk for asthma as several chemicals are used to treat pools. So, you need to be a bit careful with it. 

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