The 7 Biggest Technology Trends In 2020 Everyone Must Get Ready For Now

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Read the amazing tech article about the 7 Biggest Technology Trends in 2020 – Everyone Must Get Ready For Now.

1.The Empowered Edge

Empowered Edge is one of the Biggest Technology Trends in 2020. Another technology that is expected to be trending in the coming years is the empowered edge. Empowered edge is a driven form of edge computing. Edge computing is a configuration of a communication network where information processing, content collection, and delivery are put closer to the information sources, with the idea of keeping traffic decentralized will decrease delays.

Empowered edge involves the increase in IoT devices and how they are forming opportunities for smart spaces that move key applications and services closer to the people and involved devices. Gartner predicts that there could be more than 20 times more smart devices at the edge of the network than in conventional IT roles by 2023. 

2. Autonomous things

Autonomous things include drones, robots, cars, ships,  and appliances, which make use of AI to perform tasks that are otherwise expected to perform by humans. The technology operation is widespread, ranging from partial to completely autonomous functioning in all types of environments, including land, air, and sea.  Currently, the use of autonomous things is confined to controlled environments like a warehouse or a mine, but we expect this technology to grow for the public in 2020. 

3. 5G Data Networks

5G Data Networks is also the biggest technology trends in 2020.The next popular trend that is going to introduce us to new levels of  tech evolution is the 5th generation of internet connectivity. The availability of  5G networks in 2019 were usually expensive for a wider audience and was limited to functioning in major cities only. In 2020, we expect this technology to fly across all areas and locations with affordability and improved coverage. This would likely enable the availibity of 5G networks for everyone. Moreover, the faster internet will enable machines, robots, and autonomous things to gather and transfer more data. This will also contribute to making progress in the area of the Internet of Things and smart homes and spaces.

4. Practical Blockchain Technology

Blockchain is a distributed ledger that functions by sequentially expanding the ordered list of cryptographically signed, with irreversible transactional records shared by all of the participants in a network. 

Blockchain has been serving as a digital yet secure record-keeper of transactions which is guarded by its  encrypted and distributed features. During the hype of Blockchain technology, some futurists argued that it might not be as useful as it was thought, but throughout 2019, it turned out that  Blockchain is going to be one of the trendiest technological evolution. The investment by Big players of the industry, including IBM, Walmart, and FedEx, is boosting the future credibility of Blockchain technology. Moreover, blockchain is already appearing in experimental and small-scope projects, and Gartner foresees Blockchain as a fully scalable option by 2023.

5. Low-code Development

low code development includes the application development through visual interfaces without the need to code. In low code development applications, developers drag and drop prebuilt elements and get a design ready. However, the code can be modified when required. 

Low-code development gain momentum due to the major improvements in features and functions. Initially, this kind of development was used only for certain types of development needs, but now with low code platforms, multipurpose low-code applications can be developed. A low-code development platform typically provides support for vast integration possibilities and AI implementation. 

Low code development opens up opportunities for home-based and small businesses, startups, and enterprises. Gartner predicts that by 2024, the use of low code development platforms will be increased by 65% in software development projects.

This type of development is loaded with many benefits, including faster deployment, UX and design needs, risk, and validation opportunity.  Since low code applications can be developed in considerably lesser time as compared to a custom made application, a lot of time and money is saved. However, a low code developed website cannot compete for a bespoke or Custom app Development Companies in Dallas services, but it is recommended for a low scale budget.  Moreover, financial risks and loss ratio is reduced because low code development helps cut down the development cost. 

6. Hyper-automation

Automation is known as the exploitation of technology to automate tasks that typically require humans to get the job done. Similarly, hyper-automation is the application of modern technology like artificial intelligence and machine learning to automate processes at an increased level and augment human capabilities.This technology varies across tools that are capable of being automated. Hyper-automation is expected to become an important part of enterprises in 2020 that would add in more business opportunities for them. 

7. AI security 

The use of evolving technologies like hyper-automation and autonomous things creates security dangers in new potential points of attack, along with the transformational opportunities in the business world. Security teams need to be vigilant in this area to guard security.  AI has, however, a significant impact on the security space. 

By 2020, there would be a great focus on protecting AI-powered systems. It majorly puts emphasis on securing AI training data, training pipelines, and ML models. Moreover, artificial intelligence can be used to enhance security defense. The use of Machine Learning will be increased to understand patterns, find out attacks, and automate the cybersecurity processes. In addition, AI will be integrated to identify and defend cyber-attacks involving the use of AI. 

Author Bio:

Zubair is a digital enthusiast who loves to write on various trends, including Tech, Software Development, AI, and Personal Development. He is a passionate blogger and loves to read and write. He currently works at Mobile app development companies that offers top-notch Mobile app development services to clients across the globe.  

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