7 amazing things that you can do to make a change

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On April 22, we celebrated world’s environment day. How many of you pledge to do better for the environment? Everyone? Good! Unfortunately, sometimes we do not have the right information to make the correct choice. For instance, some people have no idea the impact meat has on the environment. If they knew, most of them would try to change their habits.

Still, it is not late, and we can help our environment prosper. Only when it is healthy, all living things on Earth can prosper & flourish. And you do not have to do humongous tasks when contributing to save the environment. Small things, like closing the water tap between washing dishes, makes a huge difference.

In this blog, we will discuss seven amazing things that you can do to make a change. Let’s see what these are.

1.      Stop or reduce the amount of meat you eat

Multiple studies show that eating red meat leads to the emission of greenhouse gases. It can lead to 10 or 40 times more emissions of these gases than grains or veggies. It is high time that we understand the impact of eating meat without any restrictions. Not only is it leading to the extinction of beautiful animals. But it is harming the ecosystem as well. So, reduce your intake of meat or cut it out.

2.      Switch to biodegradable coffee pods

Everyone is using capsules or coffee pods nowadays to brew coffee at home. It makes for an exact and delicious cup of coffee. However, most coffee pods use plastic for holding the ground coffee. We all know that plastic is bad for the environment. It takes years to recycle them & most of them end up in the landfill. You do not have to stop using coffee pods as there are options. Biodegradable coffee pods from Australia are something everyone should try. They are 100% delicious and recyclable, soothing your palate without harming the environment.

3.      Try to recycle as much as you can

Let go of the hoarding mentality. If there is something that has no use for you or you cannot reuse it, recycle it. Don’t dump it on the ground, find a proper garbage box and throw it in. Also, if you can reuse any of the plastic items you have, that will be the best.

4.      Go for local food

We often go out of our way to eat exotic fruits & vegetables not local to our region. That is not great for the environment. Transporting them requires a huge amount of fuel, leading to environmental issues. Thus, eat foods that are produced & sourced locally. This way, you eat 100% pure produce.

5.      Work on your car habits

Everyone, these days, owns a car or two. It is a lifestyle statement to own & drive luxurious cars. However, these vehicles compromise the quality of the air we breathe. The pollution that vehicles contribute to is massive. Many people get sick after inhaling the dirty air.

What are the alternatives? Well, walk wherever you can. Where you cannot take uber or car-pool. Even taking public transportation is better for reducing carbon footprint.

6.      Replace your plastic grocery bags

We already established that plastic is bad and takes a bazillion years to decompose. Another fact about plastic bags is that animals can get stuck in them or eat them, leading to death. Therefore, stop using plastic bags for grocery or cloth shopping. They are not even sturdy and cannot hold bulk items.

Replace them with cloth or jute bags. They are stylish and reusable. Safe for the environment, without costing you much.

7.      Don’t forget to switch off the fan

Using too much electricity is bad for the environment, let alone your pocket. To generate electricity, fossil fuels are used. It can cause climate change due to production of CO2. Thus, switch off the fan or light when not using. If the weather is better, open the windows & close that AC.

Also, switch to energy saving light bulbs instead of the regular ones. It will save you money and help you save electricity as well.

Change starts from within. When you start making these small changes, it will matter. Others will see you and follow suit, leading to a better place for all.

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