6 Ways to Spark your Creativity


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“Creativity is a fickle mistress.” No matter how hard you try, sometimes it just does not strike your mood, and there’s nothing to be done but wait for the spark of creativity to come back. You bought some craft supplies and other stationery items only to find out that the stress brought by the mundane life has allayed your potential to produce compelling crafts. 

Luckily, there are still some fresh ways to freshen your creativity. If you are interested in knowing more about this, check these few points out! 

Have your work done in a blue room 

Although working in a blue room may sound too odd, it helps ramp up the creative process of individuals who are planning to work on long-term projects. 

As one study shows, the colour association of blue and its shades triggers the creative centres in the brain. Hence, if you want to get an artwork done, you should try it in a blue room!

Maintain a book of Ideas

Allocating a book or note focused on housing your creative ideas can help sort out things that you would like to do in the future. Since creativity doesn’t necessarily come from detailed planning, it mainly helps if you scribble whatever you have in mind. 

You can complement this process by putting on stationery items and craft supplies to better view how you would like your artwork to be presented in the future. Use different coloured pens or create fascinating shapes and edges. 

Re-organise your workspace

If you primarily cannot function in a disorganised workspace, then you need to do some decluttering! Re-organising your workspace can help optimise your efficiency and help clear your mind whenever you are up to some ideas. 

Although your creative process may sporadically come out anytime, it is still ideal to have an organised view of things once you have already decided what type of project you would like to complete. 

Make a mind map 

Although this may share similarities with maintaining a book of ideas, making a mind map is still a practical way to ensure that you can keep track of things that you want to complete. 

Visually incorporating and highlighting your thoughts is essential in determining what creative process you would like to try. 

Do you want to make a new style of drawing? or do you want to explore new crafts? The choice is ultimately yours to make!

Relax and Unwind

One of the most overlooked approaches to spark your creativity is to relax and unwind! Most of the time, the brain needs time to freshen before it can function to the desired level. 

Therefore, as a creative person, you must allow yourself to maintain a healthy habit of relaxation. After all, a well-rested mind and body are needed to be more productive. 

You can list some activities which you enjoy the most. You can watch television, play some games, or go for a solitary walk. Whatever it is that you want the most, always find time to enjoy the moment. 

Draw or paint your ideas

If you are not fond of making mind maps or writing some stuff down on your notes, you can alternatively draw or paint your thoughts on a blank canvas. In this way, you can take a good glimpse and visualise the things you would like to do in the future.

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