6 Ways To Make Your Rental More Sustainable


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When you own your home, it’s a lot easier to make major adjustments like installing solar panels or replacing appliances to more eco-friendly options. But if you are renting, whether it be a flat or a house, you don’t have an opportunity to improve the property. The landlord makes decisions, and there is nothing you can do about it later on. The majority of buildings aren’t nearly as sustainable as they could be, because many sustainable options require a lot of work and can be costly. Fortunately, there are many ways you can live more sustainably while being a renter. Read on to see 6 ways to make your rental more sustainable.

Energy Saving Power Strips

As energy efficiency goes, if you are looking to save on your electricity bills, you should look into using energy-saving power strips for your electronics and appliances. Electric devices use energy while plugged in, even when they are turned off. You can prevent this by unplugging your devices when you are not using them. Power strips have energy-saving features. If it senses that a device is on standby or not in use, it will plug it off automatically, saving the energy.

Saving Heat

A great way to reduce heat waste from your radiators is to move furniture away from them. This will allow the heat to further spread to the room and help it circulate, heating the room faster without wasting energy. Radiators are built next to walls, so a lot of the heat is wasted because it escapes through the walls. You can install heat-resistant reflecting panels between the wall and the radiator. This way the heat doesn’t escape through the wall, but it circulates back to the room, heating it quicker. If you are paying the heating bills by how much energy you are using, this will reduce your cost, as the apartment will heat up quicker and with less energy.

Sealing up Windows

If you are renting an apartment in an older building, it’s most likely that the windows and doors haven’t been updated for a very long time. The windows are probably single pane and have wooden panels a too. The materials used for older buildings usually don’t have good insulation, which means that the heat from your radiators is escaping while the cold air from the outside can go in, and vice versa. This can create really big energy bills, as you need more energy to heat up or cool down your apartment. One way you can solve this is to seal up the gaps where the air leaks. Sealing up is also called caulking. Before doing any projects like this, ask for permission from your landlord.

Blackout Curtains

Another great solution for older windows, or roof windows, are blackout curtains. Roof windows are in direct exposure to the sun, so they can easily heat the room in the summer months. Blackout curtains will keep the light out and work as thermal insulation for your windows. They are pretty easy to install, and you can even find reusable ones that you can take to your next apartment if needed. The inside is usually a dark colour, and the outside has a reflective coating to prevent the sun and heat to enter through the window. They are a very practical and affordable investment that will save you a lot of energy and even give you a few more hours of sleep time.

Eco-friendly Appliances

One of the most energy-consuming parts of any household is appliances. We use them every day, and they have to stay plugged in, especially the refrigerator. Many rentals already come with basic appliances that you can’t replace. But if you have the option to replace them, or you are moving into an empty apartment, look into appliances that have an Energy Star label. This means the appliances are energy-efficient. They reduce greenhouse emissions and conserve energy. Broken appliances or the ones missing parts can use even more energy than usual. Try to replace them as quickly as possible, with a supplier like Wholesale Appliance Supplies. Keeping your appliances in working order helps you stay energy efficient.

Light Bulbs

One of the easiest changes you can make to your apartment is changing the regular light bulbs to eco-friendly ones. You have an option of LED or CFL light bulbs. They are made of more eco-friendly materials and they last a lot longer than regular light bulbs. Besides, they save energy, which you will see on your future bills. Even if these light bulbs are more expensive, especially if you change them all at once, the amount of money you will save during their life span will make the change worth it.

Being sustainable is a conscious effort we should all make.  Make easy and affordable changes to your living space and create sustainable life as you can. Even if you are renting, it’s doable. If possible, talk to your landlord to incorporate sustainable changes to the building, as it will benefit everyone.

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