6 Important Questions to Ask a Medical Malpractice Attorney


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Medical malpractice is a significant issue in the United States. Need proof? Look no further than the 250,000 people who die as a result of it every year.

If you’ve suffered as a result of medical negligence and/or error, then you’re probably thinking about hiring a medical malpractice attorney to fight your case. After all, as experts in this field, they should be able to help you attain the damages to which you’re entitled!

Before any of that happens, though, you’ve got to find the best lawyer for the job. But with countless big firms and private practices to choose from nowadays, that particular task can be easier said than done. Know the struggle and want some help with the endeavor?

You’re in the right place. Keep reading for 6 important questions to ask medical malpractice lawyers before hiring them.

1. How Long Have You Been Practicing Law?

Think about having to undergo surgery for a second. Most rightminded people would prefer to have an experienced surgeon do the operation than a newly-qualified one, right?

They’ve been around the block, done the procedure countless times before, and know exactly what they’re doing. In other words, they’re a safe pair of hands and an expert in their field that you know you can trust.

The same applies in the world of medical malpractice attorneys! In your initial consultation, we always recommend asking how long they’ve practiced their craft. If they’ve specialized in this area of law for years, then you can feel more confident in their abilities.

2. Have You Handled Cases Like Mine Before?

Let’s stick with that surgery analogy. We know experience is all-important when it comes to attaining a happy outcome. But how would you feel if the surgeon in question had years of experience in the operating theatre, just not with your specific procedure?

It’d change everything! You might even opt for the younger, newly-qualified surgeon if you knew they’d done the operation more.

Keep this in mind when you’re speaking to lawyers about their experience in the field. The fact they’ve been practicing law forever and a day is great. However, it’s even better when they’ve handled cases like yours a thousand times before as well.

3. How Successful Have You Been in the Past?

Don’t stop there though! The trifecta of experiential success is when an attorney has a) practiced for years, b) handled cases like yours countless times before, and c) got a great win to loss ratio. Find a medical malpractice attorney who ticks each box and you can hire them in full confidence of their abilities.

After all, the first two attributes are all well and good. But think back to the surgeon. Imagine being told they’d done the operation in the past…and each one had failed.

You’re unlikely to go into the operating theatre feeling too happy! To put it another way, you need someone to fight your case who has more than just experience. You need an attorney who has a solid track record of success to boot.

4. How Much Do You Charge?

High levels of experience and a winning record are crucial attributes to look for in any lawyer. Unfortunately, though, they also come at a cost! The best attorneys out there don’t have a reputation for being cheap, so it’s always worth inquiring about fees before you sign any dotted lines.

Imagine that you live in Miami Beach and got treated for an illness you never had. The best Miami medical malpractice lawyer for your needs would strike a balance between experience, ability, and affordability.

How much would they charge for their help? And, if you won the case, what percentage of the compensation would they take? Be sure to ask these kinds of questions so you can determine whether or not that’s the case.

5. How Would You Approach This Case?

Medical malpractice lawsuits vary in almost every way, from the exact issue that you’re fighting against to the time they take to settle, and the steps that happen throughout. Nevertheless, it’s still worth asking a prospective attorney:

  1. How they’d expect to manage the case, and
  2. What they think the outcome might be.

This will give you an idea of what to expect before the trial begins and enable you to compare notes between different attorneys (and decide who seems best!).

Oh, and while you’re having this conversation, you could check whether or not they’d handle the case themselves. Just like some construction firms outsource jobs to third-parties, attorneys sometimes refer lawsuits to other law agencies. One isn’t necessarily better or worse than the other, it’s just important to know what to expect in advance.

6. Do You Have Sufficient Resources?

Few things are ever certain when it comes to a medical malpractice suit. Yet one thing’s guaranteed: it’s going to be long, hard-fought, and a battle to win. For that reason alone, you need to hire an attorney with adequate resources for the task.

You may get a sense of this just from meeting them in person. Everything from their office to their outfit can reveal something of their past successes and access to resources. It’s still worth asking the question though!

Be wary if they can’t guarantee access to things like medical investigators and expert witnesses.

Hire the Best Possible Medical Malpractice Attorney

Few things in life are worse than being impacted by medical errors or negligence. After all, you go to the doctor to get better! The last thing you expect is to end up feeling sicker than you did before.

Unfortunately, medical malpractice impacts hundreds of thousands of innocent Americans every year. The only silver lining? There are masses of lawyers who specialize in this field and who are available to fight your case.

We hope the information in this post will help in that regard. Keep these tips in mind and you should find the perfect medical malpractice attorney in no time. Would you like to read more articles like this one?

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