6 Common Mistakes Made with Packaging

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With your packaging being the first thing a consumer will see, make first impressions count. Whether you’re creating eye-catching artworks to stand out on the supermarket shelf, looking into ways to keep your orders protected during postage or deciding on the best printed mailing bags to increase your brand recognition, there is so much to think about. Without seeking professional assistance, there are various problems which brands can face off the back of their packaging;

  1. Missing vital information

When it comes to packaging, meeting industry regulations is a must. From food and drink to household cleaners, missing out necessary information and warnings is a legality that can cause large scale problems if overlooked. A full ingredient list, best before date, allergen information, safety precautions and a barcode are just a handful of the key things that need to be included before your product can make its way to the shelf.

  1. Reaching the wrong audience

Before you even start to create a product, you should have your target market in mind. By having an understanding of their buying behaviour and interests, all messaging, designs and marketing can be tailored to resonate with your ideal audience and reach those who matter.

  1. Not considering the planet

Now more than ever, consumers are particularly eco-friendly and look out for brands who are doing their part. Packaging is often unavoidable but making changes for the better is not only better for the environment, but is seen as a great positive by consumers. Including the recycling information and shouting about the sustainable materials used within your packaging can go a long way.

  1. Difficult packaging

Let’s face it, we all shop for convenience to some extent. If your packaging poses a challenge to get into, this can see a big drop off in the number of returning customers you see. Fiddly packaging, tough vacuum sealing, sticky labels and excess layers are all examples of packaging which can be difficult to enter and unless your product is particularly fragile or expensive, this can hinder your performance as a business.

  1. Too much going on

With shoppers having so much to look at on the shelf, the first second will form the basis of their decision. Decide what you want customers to see first, whether that be a unique flavour, dietary claim or special offer, and make sure this is the more noticeable part of your packaging. Although you only have a small space to work with, cramming in too much information will appear cramped and leave people unlikely to look for the details they need.

  1. Tidy labelling

A consistent and professional appearance is paramount, contributing to a shopper’s judgement of you as a brand. Although batch production makes it hard to check every last detail, a quality assurance process will reduce the change of any faulty packaging making its way to the eye of customers. Wonky labelling, poor quality printing, incorrect labelling and peeling labels should all be caught out before your product has the change to be packed into an order.

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