5 Ways to Stay Positive During Hard Times


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There’s no doubt that the times we are living in are tough. And whether you’re struggling with a personal tragedy or difficulty, or you’re just upset about what’s happening on the news each day and the way the country is headed, there’s a lot to be upset about. 

The world can definitely get you down. However, that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do about it. With the right positive mindset, you can make your way through with a brave attitude, so you can face hard times with strength. In this post, we’ll talk about 5 ways that you can stay positive, even during the most difficult and trying of times. 

Take on a new hobby

Hobbies are one of the most important ways to express yourself, to learn a new skill, or simply to pass time in an enjoyable and meaningful way. By having fun, engaging hobbies, you feel productive and like you have a goal that’s driving your actions.

In trying and difficult times, it may feel silly or unhelpful to focus on a hobby. But don’t let that stop you; you can’t be a hero all the time, and if you need to spend some time engrossed in a fun and lighthearted hobby activity, it’s entirely valid. If you’re not sure what kinds of hobbies are easy to pick up, consider these options:

  • Sewing: Sewing is a fun and very productive hobby. It takes a bit of learning before you can become competent, but once you are, you’ll be able to alter clothes for a better fit, make your own clothes from raw fabric, or even start a small side hustle to sell garments you’ve adapted or made from scratch.
  • A musical instrument: Learning a musical instrument is one of life’s most rewarding activities. It’s technical, so it works out your brain, and it’s creative, so it’s a great way to express yourself. It’s never too late to try, and with online music lessons widely available, it’s easier than ever to pick up the practice. 
  • Video games: Video games are one of the modern world’s most innovative and exciting inventions. Don’t let the “gamer” stereotypes fool you. Gamers come in all shapes and sizes, and anyone can have fun playing a video game that they love. Whether it’s a massively multiplayer online game you get hooked on, or a fun online casino, the options are endless.

Whatever you choose to focus on, having a hobby you look forward to during the day is a great way to feel productive and engaged, even when the world feels like it’s falling down around you. 

Stay on top of your health

Your health is another area where you can focus and feel more positive. It’s a scientifically known fact that working out boosts self-esteem and positive attitude. So, having an awesome workout routine that you can truly lose yourself in is an amazing way to stay positive, even during the worst of times.

In addition to a solid workout, having a healthy diet is essential. Having the right mix of fruits, veggies, proteins, and natural supplements like green tea energy pills can help you lose weight, feel more energetic, and overall boost your feelings of wellbeing. Just remember that you’re probably not going to become a fitness master overnight. Give yourself time, and start by working out just 2 or 3 days a week. You can also try replacing just one meal a day with a health-forward one, then increase the number from there. You’ll hit your goals in due time without feeling burnt out on a rapid transition.  

Keep your friends close

Friends are essential during hard times. Having a fun phone call with a friend can turn a day from hum-drum and sad to exciting and joyful. And, especially during scary and dangerous times, having people you can rely on for love, support, and even safety is critical to your positive attitude. Having close friends and family to rely on can boost your spirits, give you a feeling of purpose, and build a sense of community that you’ll need to get you through the worst times.

If you feel like it’s hard to get your friends together these days, try these tips for a fun way to have a social gathering you’ll all enjoy:

  • Try a video chat happy hour, and get everyone from your old friend group together — no matter where they’ve ended up — for love and laughs.
  • Have a game night and enjoy each other’s company over a light-hearted game, like a board game or online trivia.
  • Just pick up the phone and give an old friend a call. Chances are, they’ll be more than happy that you did. 

Find a way to take action

If something going on in the world, like a societal injustice or bad government policy, is causing you grief and strife, taking action is a crucial way to stop feelings of helplessness and frustration, and replace them with feelings of purpose and agency. With so much wrong and hurt happening in the world these days, you have a few options for finding a way to take action that suits you:

  • Donate to a charity, action fund, or nonprofit that aligns with your interests and values.
  • Organize on social media to raise awareness and increase individual obligation.
  • Attend a protest march and speak out against injustice in person.
  • Get politically involved by supporting candidates for office you believe will bring the change you wish to see.

Remember to take care of yourself

Lastly, it’s important to take care of yourself. Don’t let the strife in the world stop you from doing what’s right for you, and looking after your personal needs and feelings. Staying positive during hard times doesn’t mean painting over every bad emotion that comes your way with a smiling face. It means accepting yourself where you’re at, then growing past the difficulty and finding new ways to feel optimistic and strong. 

Being positive is difficult in the face of difficulty and uncertainty. With the right attitude, however, anything is possible. 

Author Bio

Samantha Rupp holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and is the managing editor for 365businesstips.com. She lives in San Diego, California and enjoys spending time on the beach, reading up on current industry trends, and traveling.

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