5 Reasons Your SEO Isn’t Working and Is Failing to Increase Traffic

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If you have been fidgeting with DIY SEO or hired an SEO company to do it for you, you may be wondering why your sales have not increased after three months. You start wondering why your SEO isn’t showing results. It is possible your SEO isn’t working for your business, or it has failed.

As your frustration mounts, there will be a ton of questions rushing through your mind. You might be asking how long does it take for the effects of SEO to become apparent? Should you continue doing SEO yourself or finally hire someone else. If you already hired someone, you may have begun thinking that they may be the wrong SEO company.

The truth is even the best experts will not know all the reasons how a website will rank within Google. SEO experts rely on testing and identifying strong correlations. Examining these correlations gives Utah-based SEO experts high-level insight into what works and what does not.

How Much Does SEO Cost in Utah?

The average cost of hiring a Utah-based SEO agency will be $100 to $250 per hour. Overall, the cost will run you $2500 to $10,000 per month. The final cost will depend on your website’s size, your specific needs, and industry competition. 

Here are five reasons why your SEO is failing to do its job:

  1. The Website Design Experience

Try to examine if your website is delightful to users and looks incredible on every device. Ask yourself if SEO was included throughout the process of design and development. The following are a few things to check:

  • What is the strategy utilized in outlining the website design?
  • Did you apply a website information architecture strategy? What is it, and how was it implemented?
  • What is your content strategy, and were on-site SEO optimization fundamentals completed?
  • Did you create a transition plan and implement it?
  1. The Speed of Your Website

Is your site speed impacting your SEO rankings? A decade ago, experts announced that site speed will significantly impact rankings but will be negligible on other key ranking factors such as content authority, links, and relevance.

But since then, mobile browsing has become a large part of how users find and interact with websites. So, this fact is no longer accurate. Speed has become a critical SEO ranking factor.

Thus, you might want to check if your site speed is affecting your conversion rate. According to research, about 47% of your target audience expects a two-second load time.

There are numerous site speed tools available, including Google’s page speed tools, so there is no excuse why your website speed should not be optimized for SEO and your audiences.

  1. Content Gaps

Many website owners want to drive more traffic from Google for specific keywords and topics. But when SEO experts do a gap analysis of their websites, there are critical issues such as little to no content for a majority of the keywords they want to target. 

If you have insufficient content, remember you cannot rank for keywords and topics without posting content that proves to Google that you are relevant and deserve rankings.

  1. No Analytics and Tracking Tools Installed

It is critical to set up website and analytics tools so that your SEO campaign will not fail. Analytics and goal tracking tools provide you with everything you need to discover what is working and what is not on your website.

You can start with setting up Google analytics as well as Google search console. Once you have established these on your website, make sure that they are tracking critical KPIs such as the following:

  • New or unique visitors
  • Sources of incoming traffic
  • Interactions per visit
  • Conversion of return visitors
  1. Your Content is Not Optimized

Content strategy is a common concern since it directly impacts search engine optimization. The following are several things to consider:

  • Are target keywords found on the title tag?
  • Is the keyword found in the H1 tag?
  • Are keywords applied consistently in the primary content area of the webpage?
  • Are keywords used in images’ alt text, as well as the primary content area of the webpage?
  • Does the content have H2 tags that include other relevant and related keywords?

SEO is vital to your audience in Utah. SEO works behind the scenes to make the user experience more robust and meaningful. But it would help if you also examined the technical side of SEO and how it impacts your website performance. You must apply a holistic intervention to make sure your goals for your website are met.

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