5 Popular Agricultural Techniques For 2021

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Agriculture has always been the backbone of any successful society. Nowadays, it can be fairly easy to overlook all that is going on in the agricultural world because we’re getting the food that we need when we want it. However, agricultural experts around the globe continue to test out new technology and trends to optimize their harvests each and every year. Right now, there are five major agricultural trends that are starting to take place in 2021 that could change the way the agricultural world functions forever.

Animal Vaccines

While animal vaccines aren’t particularly new, they are growing in popularity. Their ability to prevent illness in humans that consume the animals and protect the animals throughout the production process is becoming a necessity. Multiple studies have begun to reveal that animals who receive vaccines are less likely to need antibiotics throughout their lifetime. Right now, many agriculture officials throughout the United States are working to stock up vaccine banks to ensure there are enough doses for our livestock.

Plant Tattoos

The researchers at MIT have recently produced one of the lightest and strongest materials on the planet, graphene. This has opened the doors to innovation in the agricultural industry. Researchers at universities throughout the country are offering plant tattooing for agricultural crops. This tattoo utilized graphene to implant sensors onto the crop. These sensors measure many different aspects of the plant, such as its water usage throughout the growing season. The results can help farmers understand their fields better and more knowledgeably select the right crop to grow.

Promotion Of Farming-Related Jobs

Recent studies have revealed that the average age of a farmer in the United States is 60 years old. This showcases a big problem in the farming world. There is a large lack of new generation farmers taking the reigns. This has forced many in the agricultural industry to push towards promoting jobs in farming for recent graduates. The major problem that the industry is facing is graduates with mounting student debt. Many opt for non-farming jobs that offer a high pay rate to cover these bills. A trend to find a solution to this ongoing problem is just getting underway.

Hemp Production Soars

With the passing of the 2018 farm bill, farmers are now legally able to grow and sell hemp. With so many different items that can be created by hemp, this has created a whole new market for farmers to enjoy. Many small-town farms have considered or already started growing hemp as part of their usual growing season. It’s expected that this trend will continue to soar in the coming years as farmers hone in their skills on growing high producing yields.

Agricultural Drones Are Put To Work

Technology is no stranger to the agricultural world. In fact, many have learned to embrace it early on to increase their yields. A popular trend that has surfaced recently is using agricultural drones. These drones can be used to enhance crop production, optimize operations, and even monitor crop growth.

Agricultural drones are specifically designed with sensors and digital imaging. This gives farms a nice picture of their fields and a plethora of data that can be utilized to increase their output. In addition, drones are becoming the new favorite worker for many farmers. They can be programmed to easily spray and crop dust fields. The best part is that drones are more precise than other traditional methods of spraying and crop dusting. This helps to save the farmer more money each year on fertilizers and pesticides.

As you can see, the agricultural industry continues to grow. With recent advancements in technology, the constant need to produce better quality items, and the evolving aspects of the farming industry are forcing new trends to be undertaken. It’s an exhilarating time to be active in the agricultural industry. What once seemed like a straightforward practice has now evolved into new world farming that offers more precision and data than one ever thought possible fifty years ago. As the year 2021 gets underway, the above five trends are going to be some of the most popular people will hear about. However, we’re sure there will be more as the year develops.


Eric Reyes is a passionate thought leader having been featured in 50 distinguished online and offline platforms. His passion and knowledge in Finance and Business made him a sought after contributor providing valuable insights to his readers. You can find him reading a book and discussing current events in his spare time.

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