5 of the Most Common Car Accident Injuries


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Are you aware that approximately three million people have car accident injuries every year? That is a staggering number with several factors behind it.

The road can be a dangerous place and you must do your best to be a respectable driver. While no one wants an accident to happen to them, it is helpful to know of common car accident injuries. You can hire an accident attorney for personal injury.

The knowledge we present in this article will make you pause for concern next time you hit the road. You better buckle up for this bumpy ride!

1. Whiplash

You’ll likely experience whiplash when getting in a car accident. Your body will move in unexpected ways causing your head and neck to whiplash. This strain and stress on your body may cause pain for weeks to come.

While recovery times may vary, you won’t likely deal with permanent damage.

2. Neck/Back

Neck and back injuries during car crashes may not show up right away. The impact experienced will result in pain throughout the spine. We recommend an orthopedist if the pain continues.

Various crashes endure this type of pain such as a rear end accident. Keep your head on a swivel to prevent such damage.

3. Concussion

Can you remember what just happened? This is a feeling experienced after many car accidents. Your body, brain, and skull are jolted out of their natural station. Only taking mere seconds, your brain suffers the heavy blow from hitting your head.

Immediate medical care and attention are imperative. Without doing so, memory loss and headaches will endure.

4. Scrapes/Cuts

One of the most common car accident injuries is scrapes and cuts. These result in objects flying when the car is in a collision. Many household items are known to cause physical damage during collisions.

Shattered glass and car parts will also cause these lacerations to the skin. Airbags are also known to cause such damage during deployment as well.

Often times these nicks don’t require medical attention, but the two are not mutually exclusive.

5. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

PTSD is not only dealt with after high impact combat such as war. Many people deal with anxiety after suffering from a stressful situation such as car accident injuries.

People experiencing PTSD will often feel fear or anxiety even stepping foot in a car. Lights and sounds can often trigger these symptoms for those who have a traumatic car accident.

It is recommended to see a psychiatrist when dealing with troubling symptoms that prevent you from living your everyday life.

Common Car Accident Injuries Continued

You now have a base knowledge of common car accident injuries. With this knowledge ought to come safety precautions.

When you are driving think of the other people and not just yourself out there. You are driving a dangerous weapon. Respect that and you will be just fine.

Always follow proper precautions and be a good driver. We encourage you to steer towards our blog for more informational tidbits. Don’t let them pass you by!

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