5 Important Tips to Choose the Right Boat Prop


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Picking propellers is like picking shoes, not every size fits, and not every style is for you. Boat props are no different and require a careful eye and consideration to determine which one is right for you and your boat.

If you’d like to find out more on how to select the right boat prop then keep reading!

1. Inboard vs Outboard Propellers

Before even beginning to look at any models, you will need to determine whether you want to purchase an inboard or an outboard propeller.

Inboard propellers are beneficial if you’re going to be using your boat for water sports or cruising on ocean waters as it has the most strength to cut through waves. Whereas outboard boat propellers will have less grip on the waters but are faster and more fuel-efficient than the inboard counterpart.

2. Propeller Size

You’ll see a variety of descriptive information about boat propellers and the size is one of the most important ones. The size of a boat prop is determined by the actual size in diameters and the pitch.

The diameter of a boat prop is measured from the center to the tip of either one of the blades. This is used to make sure you’re not getting a big or small boat propeller but the one that’s just right.

3. Choosing Your Pitch

The boat pitch is how far the propeller would move in one spin and related to the rotations per minute or rpm.

Choosing the correct level of pitch will help you from over or under revving the engine while also avoiding costly repairs. If you’re unfamiliar with what pitch is best, ask a specialist in the boat shop or a boat repair person to give you the best recommendation for your boat prop choices.

This is also important to consider if you will be doing high-performance usage like for water sports. It’s important to understand boating info like pitch and dimensions to make sure you’re getting the right kind of boat prop.

4. The Material

There are a few options when it comes to what you want your boat prop made out of.

Plastic, stainless steel, and the most common, aluminum are your choices for the material. The reason why aluminum is the most popular is that it is the most affordable whereas stainless steel will be more expensive but also the most durable material.

When it comes to repairs, aluminum will also be the most cost-friendly, and stainless steel will be more expensive but also last the longest.

5. How Many Blades

There are either three or four blades you can have on your boat prop.

Three blades give you good performance with having top-end speed. Whereas four blades are best for watersports and unpowered boats to really give it that push it needs.

The blade selection is also determined by what waters you will be navigating with your boat. If you’re at a loss, speak to a boat specialist to help you out with it.

Boat Pro Selection Made Easy

When choosing your boat prop the choice is completely up to the usage you plan on having with your boat. You want to make sure your propeller choices work best for you. So make sure you know what you’ll be using it for before going out and getting a boat prop.

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