5 Digital Marketing Tips for Small Businesses


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You’ve got a product that you can’t wait to share with the world. You’ve put advertisements in the paper and asked your local radio station to give you a shout-out. If you stop there, don’t be surprised if you don’t sell anything.

With the number of people surfing the web every day, you’ve got to focus on your digital marketing strategy. If you don’t have a social media account or optimize your website for mobile, your name will never get out there.

Don’t worry, we’ve got a few digital marketing tips that can help you out. Keep reading to learn more.

1. Use Social Media to Your Advantage

If your digital marketing strategies don’t include social media, you need to reevaluate your plans. You can use it to promote the blog posts on your website.

You can talk to your customers personally and get to know them. It humanizes you and helps your target audience trust you a little better. You can also run promotions and giveaways that will lead people to your site.

The more views you get, the higher your Google ranking will be. Soon you’ll be at the top of the page.

2. Do Your Research

The most important thing you can do as a small business is research. You need to know what your competitors are doing so you can work around it.

Find out what they’re doing wrong so you can do it right. Granted, you don’t want to copy what they’re doing, but it’s okay to take some inspiration from it.

You should also research your target audience. Use behavioral targeting to find out who they are and what they buy.

3. Optimize for Mobile

Digital marketing trends always include optimizing for mobile. This is because most people browse the net on their phones rather than a computer.

Your mobile site needs to move fast and be easy to navigate. This being said, don’t make two different sites. Google penalizes companies for duplicate content.

4. Email Marketing

Email marketing is an easy way to attract customers. Create a list and send people promotions and coupons. There are right and wrong ways to pick people for your list.

The wrong way is to use websites that claim to give you a million followers in a few hours. They’ll give you email addresses, but it’s all about quality, not quantity.

Most of them will be canceled addresses. Sending emails to them will hurt your rankings instead of helping it.

5. Create a Business Listing

When someone looks up a business, they get a list of contact information along with their name. Google doesn’t pull this information from your website.

They pull it from your Google business listing. If you don’t already have a profile, set one up ASAP.

Digital Marketing Tips to Live By

No business can survive without following some of these digital marketing tips. If you don’t focus on your social media account or make a business listing profile, nobody will know about you because you won’t rank high enough in Google. Get started on your strategy today.

Are you looking for more ways to help your business thrive? Check out the business section of our blog for all the latest tips and tricks

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