5 Best Discord bots to boost your server

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Here is a list of 5 best Discord bots from among a plethora of discord bots currently available in the market. Make use of them and your server will be a fantastic place to chill out. You can also visit for the latest technology updates at Stuffroots


YAGPDB is the Acronym for Yet Another General Purpose Discord Bot and is the best discord bot of the lot.

This solid discord bot is high in stability coupled with the versatile features, which were lacking in MEE6.

It supports you tube and Reddit. Manual configuration of WebPages is a breeze in this discord bot.

You can also assign self-assigned roles for features like moderation, reaction and many such.

Add YAGPDB to your server

2. Tatsumaki

Tatsumaki is one of the most capable discord bot. It has numerous features and commands for moderation, notification, providing dashboard etc. Being one of the best discord bot that the users swear by, the most wonderful feature of Tatsumaki is that it turns discord into a game itself, in addition to a number of ready to use commands.

Another wonderful feature that makes it one of the best discord bots is the incentive system, that makes the users of the system to be more active, they can also earn their XP and levels.

This is the way to add Tatsumaki to your server.

3. Groovy

Groovy is the best discord bot for music. Its simplicity combined with steadiness, even in a crowded place, gives a wonderful experience of listening to music. The music can legitimately be played from a variety of administrators like spotify, You tube etc.

You can add Groovy to your server for that stack-free and lag-free music.

4. Pokecord bot

The best discord bot for playing games, this Pokémon inspired discord bot allows the user to battle and capture Pokémon and level up the Pokémon characters.

It is really simple to learn and the users will enjoy playing with Pokémon while chatting, making it fun and worthwhile.

Click here to add Pokecord bot to your server.

5. Dank Memer bot

Dank Memer bot, as the name suggests, is the best discord bot for memes, but it can also serve you more than that, since it has more than 260 commands that can be used for many features like image manipulation, music etc. Memes entertain everyone and so your followers will enjoy their time. The moderation feature allows for a clean chat room.

This discord bot has its own currency which allows you to rob, gamble and score rewards.

Here’s how to add Dank Memer to your server

Before we wind-up

Discord bots play a significant part in chat life. They provide a helping hand with management, moderation, notification etc. Bots are super comforting to use and make life happier. Nonetheless, choose the bots according to your requirement, because overloading of bots may also be a serious issue in terms of traffic and congestion. Hope the above list of five best discord bot comes in handy to you!

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