4 Most Common Reasons for AC Failure

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Over time, your AC will run into some issues such as uneven cooling, leaking water, and freezing evaporator coils. All these problems happen because of several factors, from old age to inconsistent maintenance. While getting professional help is highly recommended, it is also advisable to be knowledgeable of the basics. If you are located in Arizona, Phoenix, look no further for AC repair in Phoenix than with American Home Water & Air, the most trusted HVAC company. 

1.  Refrigerant leak

There are numerous reasons for a refrigerant leak. Before diving into these factors, you must know what refrigerant is. Also called coolant, this chemical component serves as a vital instrument in running the HVAC system. It is a working fluid used by the AC to absorb humidity and heat and then provides cool air upon completion of the refrigeration cycle. 

Because of its relevance, a problem that affects the refrigerant significantly impacts the AC unit as a whole. These are some of the things you may encounter due to a refrigerant leak:

●     Lower cooling effect, higher cost – The most common of all is the decrease in cooling output and an increase in electricity bill. As the HVAC system struggles to get rid of the heat, you are paying extra dollars for unsatisfactory performance. 

●     Short cycling – Another AC problem that may occur is short-cycling, which is represented by an on-and-off AC pattern. This particular issue arises when the HVAC could not complete the refrigerant cycle as it is stuck on the first phase, making the system work double-time to remove heat and provide cool air. 

●     Ice build-up – Refrigerant leaks could also happen because of the possible cracks or holes in the coil. As a result, ice may generate around the coil section. 

With the possible outcomes of a refrigerant leak, it’s important to get help from an HVAC professional. Only experts can handle and fix this problem as they need to first identify the cause of the leak before adding the refrigerant. If there are multiple holes that need to be repaired, this may require extra time and costs.


2.  Dirty air filter

From unhygienic air to strange noises, dirty air filters can take a toll not just on the health of the equipment but also on you and your family. As an integral part of an AC unit, air filters block pollutants and unwanted particles from entering the HVAC system and your home.

It sifts dust, pollen, pet dander, and any debris to keep the equipment well-maintained and ensure even airflow. Meanwhile, if air filters are neglected, this causes several issues like the following:

●     Hot spots – Air filters clogged with dirt can affect the airflow indoors. The HVAC system tends to exert extra effort to let air pass through the dirty filter, which then results in an extended time to regulate the temperature inside your home. 

●     Ice on the condenser unit – An air filter obstructed with dirt could not allow air to freely flow through the unit. Because of this, it restricts the movement of cool air, which eventually causes the formation of ice on the coils. 

●     Frequent allergy attacks – Aside from straining the health of your AC, unmaintained air filters can also cause several respiratory concerns. Allergy attacks are probably the most common concerns experienced by AC owners who are sensitive to allergens trapped in the filter.

Keeping the air filter clean is more than just about maintaining your AC unit. It involves your overall health because these key parts hold the responsibility of filtering pollutants from circulating throughout your home. So, make sure to clean the filters regularly and change them at least 3 to 4 times a year. You may also add an air purifier to further improve the air quality indoors.

3.  Electric connection issues

Connection problems can negatively impact the health of the unit. Issues surrounding the electrical side of an AC can wear out crucial parts like the compressor, condenser fan control, and blower motor. In the long run, a damaged electrical connection soon leads to the following issues:

●     Costly repairs – Corroded connections may cause the AC to turn on and off involuntarily. Because of this unusual pattern, the refrigeration phases could not be completed and the AC works harder to remove heat and give cool air. Over time, this leads to worn-out components. Accordingly, damaged parts need to be repaired or replaced.

●     Shortened AC life – Frequent repairs impact the general health of the HVAC system. Because the core elements are not working as before, this shortens the life of your unit. Most modern AC units last between 15 to 20 years while older air conditioners from 10 to 12 years. 

External electrical concerns may be fixed personally by homeowners. However, if the issue lies within the electrical parts of the AC, you should contact an HVAC expert as soon as possible because this can cause further damage.

4.  Irregular maintenance

The last possible cause of AC failure is inadequate AC maintenance. A regular tune-up is not just limited to air filters but also other pivotal parts like evaporator coil, outdoor condenser, and coil fins, among others. And if you don’t maintain your unit properly, don’t be surprised by the issues that may arise in the future. These include short cycling, uneven cooling, ice build-up, and frequent repairs. 

And perhaps one of the most unfortunate consequences is untimely AC replacement, which can negatively impact your finances. Shortened AC life means that you haven’t maximized the unit’s expected years to the fullest. On top of that of the AC issues, your health would also be affected. Therefore, it should always be noted that regular maintenance of the unit is crucial.

If you have enough time, you may clean parts like air filters and coils personally to ensure optimal performance and better indoor air quality. For vital components like condenser, evaporator, compressor, and expansion valve, it’s best to leave them to the professionals. HVAC experts are the most credible individuals who can work on cleaning these areas thoroughly and adeptly.

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