4 Home Medical Devices Every Household Needs


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In the United States, the rate of COVID-19 cases has approached over 29 million in recent data from the CDC. Now more than ever, it is important that people prepare themselves with home medical devices. Home medical supplies can help families monitor basic illnesses or manage minor accidents without seeking care from a doctor.

Doctor visits are often time-consuming and costly, but they aren’t always necessary.

Certain medical symptoms can be managed at home with the right tools. Keep reading to learn all about the best medical devices to have in the home!

Obligatory Home Medical Devices

First and foremost, every home should have a first aid kit. Injuries and illnesses are so common, and most of them occur in the home. A first aid kit prepares individuals to treat these injuries or illnesses quickly.

First aid kits are available in a variety of sizes, but basic kits include similar supplies. For example, every first aid kit should have gauze, bandages, tape, gloves, cold packs, antiseptic spray or wipes, a breathing barrier, tweezers or scissors, and a manual. Kits may also include certain medications such as pain relievers, cough, and cold medication, as well as medication to treat burns or allergic reactions.

First aid kits should be kept somewhere that is safe, yet easily accessible in case of an emergency.

It is often recommended that in addition to having a first aid kit in the home, individuals have a second first aid kit in their car.

It may be helpful to add personal items to a first aid kit that are specific to one’s medical needs. Finally, it is important to check the kit regularly and replace any used or expired items.


Some first aid kits may include a thermometer, but if they don’t, this is another useful tool to include in a home medical device kit.

Thermometers are responsible for measuring body temperature, which can be indicative of a fever. Fevers are a temporary increase in the body’s temperature, likely because of an infection or illness. 98.6°F is commonly accepted as a normal temperature range.

While high fevers can be concerning, medical attention can typically be avoided unless the fever reaches 103°F or higher.

There are plenty of thermometers available. Digital, electronic ear and forehead are some of the most common. Digital thermometers are some of the most effective, measured under the tongue, armpit, or from the rectum.

However, many parents prefer forehead or ear thermometers, like the ankovo thermometer, especially when dealing with infants or children.

Digital Blood Pressure Monitor

Digital blood pressure monitors are often recommended medical devices for patients who have blood pressure issues, such as hypertension. High blood pressure can be a precursor to a stroke or heart attack. Most monitors come with a cuff that wraps around the arm that assists with the reading, but the monitors can be manual or digital.

Seeking medical care is important if the blood pressure reading is 180/120 or higher.


The final of the recommended medical devices for home use is the glucometer, which measures blood sugar. This tool is especially useful for individuals that are obese or have diabetes. They can indicate a blood sugar level that is too high or too low.

Higher blood sugar may require hydration, physical exercise, and can be an indicator of stress. Fix low blood sugar by ingesting something that provides the body with glucose.

Always Prepared

In the medical world, one of the best methods of avoiding illness is prevention. Essentially, the best way to avoid illness is to be prepared. Having home medical devices helps individuals be prepared.

These devices can treat unexpected injuries or illnesses, and they can help monitor preexisting conditions.

Check out the rest of our site to learn other ways to be prepared at home!

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