4 Essential Tips to Help You Move Across the Country


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Packing up and moving across the country is one of the most fun and exciting things that you can do. Everything from the first step of the journey to your final destination is exhilarating. It’s also unique from any other move you will most likely make at any point in your lifetime 

However, it’s also important to understand how much work is involved to pull off moving across the country. It’s not like if you forget to do something you can just hop in the car and drive across town to take care of it, when you’re gone; you’re gone. So, here are four tips from people who have made this move before and wish they knew then what they know now:

1. Get Your Plan Together for Moving Across Country

Trust us when we say there is a lot that goes into moving across country, much more so than if you were moving 10-20 minutes away. There is most likely no friend or relative to stay with if things aren’t ready to go at your new residence. Just getting the timing right on when to have your electricity on, as well as other utilities is difficult enough. 

But arriving on time, getting all of your belongings unloaded and into the new house or apartment, and getting everything else done on time takes a lot of thinking ahead and planning. Experts suggest making a list (a long one, if necessary) and itemizing each and everything you need to do.

2. Remember the Little Things 

This is crucial, and it’s the kind of thing that can derail a cross-country move. So, we suggest that when you’re making that bigger list mentioned in the previous section, make little notes alongside certain items to remind you of minor tasks that need to be completed. Such examples include: 

  • Canceling paper 
  • Canceling other location-based memberships and subscriptions 
  • Forwarding your mail 
  • Gathering all personal and financial records (medical, school, taxes, veterinarian, etc.) 
  • Transferring utilities 

These and many other little things will pop up all throughout the time you’re planning your move. It is important to write them down as soon as possible. Do not ignore them thinking that you will remember later; you won’t. You will soon have a lot more on your mind as the big move gets closer.

3. Organize Your Finances

Along with organizing your plan comes organizing your finances. A cross-country trek usually takes a decent financial investment. Gas alone, for multiple vehicles and/or a moving truck can be very pricey. 

However, it all starts with looking at your credit and understanding what you qualify for in a home loan or apartment lease. You also have to budget for things like the difference in cost of living.

4. It’s Time to Let Go of Things You Don’t Need

This one is hard for a lot of people, but it’s also necessary. Packing materials and space are at a premium when moving across the country. There is no need to bring clothes you’ll never wear or other items that you’ll never use. Look at this as an opportunity to get rid of things you no longer need. You can also donate and/or recycle any items that qualify.

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