2022 Guide: Online Blackjack for Beginners


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Blackjack Online.

Blackjack is, without a doubt, one of the most popular casino games out there, and as the online casino world takes off, it is also one of the most popular online games too. So, many people are starting to ask how to play blackjack online. 

The truth is, of all the casino games, aside from slots of course, blackjack is one of the easiest to learn. It is pretty simple, and while you can play with strategy to up your chances of a win, it is not as strategy heavy as poker, or some other casino games. 

So, if you are a newbie who loves the idea of online blackjack, we have put together this neat composition of blackjack information to help you get started on playing blackjack online in 2022. 

We will go over everything from the basic rules, to card values, how to play your hand and basic strategies too! We have got you covered. So, even if you see a future in more advanced playing, this is a great place to get started. 

The Basic Rules Online. 

The best way to learn about blackjack rules is to understand how you can win a hand. 

There are 3 ways you can win a game of blackjack, let’s look;

The primary way you can win is to achieve a hand that is higher than the dealer’s without exceeding a total of 21. 

Another way is to collate a hand that is 21 or less when the dealer’s hand exceeds 21. 

Of course, you can also win if your first two cards add up to 21 when the dealer’s first two cards do not. This will also constitute a win! 

Many people will make the mistake of thinking that the game is all about the number 21, and getting as close to it as possible without going over. However, this is not the case, the true focus of blackjack is to beat the dealer without going over 21 yourself. It is all you vs them! 

Y=Should you manage to beat the dealer is a normal fashion then you will win black whatever you bet on the game at a rate of around 3:2 (this is specific to playing online, land-based casinos will have their own rates). 

However, should you tie with the dealer them this is referred to as a ‘push’ you do not win or lose, and you will get your bet back if this happens. 

You can only lose blackjack in two ways, either you go over 21. Going over 21 will cause an automatic bust, there is no subtracting in blackjack. The other way you can lose is if the dealer beats you, having their hand less than 21 but higher than your hand. 

Card Values. 

The cards in this game have a point value. There are different ways in which separate parts of the deck are valued. 

Cards 2 through 9 are valued by their face, this means 3 is 3, 6 is 6, 9 is 9, and so on. Alternatively, the 10s, jacks, queens, and kings, are all worth 10 points, contrary to what you might assume. 

Finally, Aces can be 1 or 11 points. 

This makes things a bit complicated. With aces, you will use whichever value is most beneficial to your hand. Sometimes it is better to use an ace as 1 point, as 11 may lead you to bust. However, 11 can be useful in some ways too. 

If you have a hand that was made up of two fives, you would benefit most from having an ace as 11, giving you blackjack. However, if you had a hand that was an 8 and a 4, then an ace would be better off as a 1, stopping you from going into a bust.

Playing A Hand Online. 

You, and whoever else is joining you, will receive two cards face up to begin. The dealer will also get two, however one of theirs will be face down, until everyone has played their hand. 

You will add the value of your cards, so if you have a jack and a 3 then you have 13. 

There are different options of playing when you play blackjack online, let’s go through them. 

  • You can HIT, when you do this you get another card added to your hand. Continue to do this until you bust or hit 21. 
  • You can STAND, doing this you let the dealer know your hand is completed. You can stand at any point during a game of blackjack from the first cards, to after a hit. 
  • You can DOUBLE, so, if you like the look of your first two cards, then you can double the size of your bet. Now you will receive one card from the dealer and then your hand is completed. 
  • There is also the option to SPLIT, this is when you receive two cards of the same value (i.e. 2 2’s, 2 jacks, etc.). You take each starting card and from another hand. You will have to bet to cover this as well. You continue to play each hand as normal.
  • You can also add INSURANCE. You can only do this if the dealer shows an ace. When you do this, you bet half on top of your original bet and get 2:1 if they do have blackjack. If they do not, you lose the insurance but still play out your hand. 
  • Finally, you can surrender if you do not have faith in your hand. You will get half of your bet back if you do this. You do not continue to play after this. 

Basic Strategy.

You can also start by learning a strategy. It is beneficial to do so, or you may make silly choices that are more damaging. It is a good idea to find a strategy chart online, these are generated from simulations that play out every possible deal. 

Using a strategy you can improve your odds by decreasing the house odds. It does not mean you will win, but you will have a better chance. 

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