16 causes of Infertility in Men


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Men struggling to start a family should consult an andrologist in Lahore. The specialist will help determine the cause of infertility by conducting various tests. The specialist will guide regarding all the effective treatment options.

Causes of Male Infertility

Infertility is a condition in which the couple is unable to conceive despite having sex regularly for an entire year. Men can suffer from infertility due to various reasons. It is essential to understand the cause before opting for treatment. The causes include:

  • Role of Weight: Obesity impacts the hormonal levels in the body. Due to excessive weight, men can have fluctuations in testosterone levels, causing infertility-related problems.
  • Excessive use of Alcohol: Alcohol can cause multiple physical problems. Alcohol can impact liver functioning causing men to become infertile. Also, alcohol correlates with a decrease in testosterone levels, erectile dysfunction, and lower sperm production.
  • Use of Drugs and Tobacco: Men who smoke or experience secondhand smoking have lower sperm count. Additionally, the men who consume drugs have less muscle strength, and testicles shrink. Particularly marijuana can affect sperm quality and cause infertility.
  • Exposure to Toxins: Heavy metals, pesticides, and herbicides affect sperm production. Additionally, patients with cancer are exposed to radiation, which causes low production of sperm.
  • Varicocele: The swelling of veins can cause lower production of sperms. It can also affect the quality of sperm, which correlates with infertility.
  • Infection: Orchitis and epididymitis can cause sperm production. It can permanently damage the testicles. It can cause other physical problems. Sexually contagious infections such as HIV can result in infertility. People suffering from said infection must need immediate HIV cure.
  • Retrograde Ejaculation: The semen does not come through the penis but enters the bladder directly, which causes infertility. Diabetic patients are more prone to suffer from retrograde ejaculation. 
  • Cancer: Tumors can affect hormonal production in the body. Cancers can affect the reproductive organs. Men who are taking cancer treatment may also suffer from less sperm production.
  • Imbalanced Hormones: Hormonal imbalance caused due to various reasons can affect the functioning of adrenal, pituitary, and thyroid glands. Due to the malfunctioning of glands, men can suffer from low production of sperms.
  • Birth Defect: Klinefelter’s syndrome affects the development of reproductive organs. It causes erectile dysfunction and makes men infertile. Other syndromes that can cause infertility include cystic fibrosis and Kallmann’s syndrome.
  • Use of Certain Medication: chemotherapy and drugs used to treat arthritis can affect sperm production.
  • Previous Surgical Procedures: Some surgical procedures can cause a problem with ejaculation. Some surgeries that cause fertility problems in men include; prostate surgery, vasectomy, and scrotal surgery.
  • Blocked Tubules: Tubes carry sperms; if there is a blockage, it can cause infertility problems. The blockage in the tubes can be caused due to trauma, injury, and infection. 
  • Suffering from Metabolic Disorders: Men diagnosed with celiac disease are prone to have fertility problems. However, if they start taking a gluten-free diet, they can overcome the problems related to infertility.
  • Erectile Dysfunction: Men struggle in maintaining the penis erectile while having sexual intercourse. Erectile dysfunction causes less sperm production.
  • Psychological Issues: Stress and anxiety can cause a person to lose interest in sex. It can also cause erectile dysfunction, which also causes relationship problems.

If men exhibit symptoms that correlate with infertility should visit an andrologist in Islamabad Specialists Clinic. The specialist can help diagnose the problem, which would allow the person to opt for suitable treatment.

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