10 things to keep in mind before buying a pool cleaner

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Are you tired with manual ways of maintaining your pool? Are you looking for a permanent solution to keep your pool clean and healthy? Well, pool cleaners to the rescue it is. The right pool cleaner has the potential to keep all your pool related concerns at bay. Needless to say, picking the right pool cleaner is a tough choice to make. There is a list of questions that come to mind when we plan on buying something – same is the case with pool cleaners. Which model is the best, what factors must be considered while buying a pool cleaner, what is the maintenance required, etc. are just a few of the many questions that need to be addressed well in advance. Moreover, with a plethora of pool cleaner options available in the market, choosing the right one is definitely not easy. Having a checklist of the things to be kept in mind before investing in an automatic pool cleaner makes your task of finding the right one for your pool way easier. That said, this article will help you make the right decision when it comes to buying an ideal pool cleaner for your pool by listing down certain things that can be taken into account before buying a pool cleaner.

  1. Brand – How well established and reputed the brand is has a lot to do with the performance delivered. No one would want to invest in a product that doesn’t work as expected. This is why relying on brands that have a well-known market presence will not disappoint you.
  2. Pool size – This is one of the most important factors that deserves every bit of your attention. Many people tend to buy a cleaner without even taking note of the fact whether the cleaner would be suitable for their pool or not. The reason why pool size is an important parameter to consider while buying pool cleaners is because larger pools require cleaners that have relatively a larger filter basket. If a pool cleaner that’s suitable for small pools is used to clean pools that are larger, the results might not be as anticipated. This happens because the filter gets clogged before the completion of the cleaning cycle. Hence, one can see dirt and debris left behind despite the pool cleaner doing its job.
  3. Pool type – Depending on whether your pool is an in-ground one or an above-ground one, pool cleaners vary. What is ideal for an in-ground pool might not deliver the best results when put to work on an above-ground pool. Thus, buying cleaners on the basis of pool type is something that shouldn’t be overlooked.
  4. Pool surface – What surface the pool is made of plays a pivotal role in deciding which pool cleaner to buy. Pool surfaces could be anything right from tile, vinyl, fibreglass to rough patterned ones. Pool cleaners are designed keeping in mind certain pool surfaces. It is thus critical to be well assured that the cleaner you are planning to buy works fine with the surface of the pool or not.
  5. Ease of operation – The whole purpose of buying a pool cleaner is to reduce the maintenance aspect of the pool, isn’t it? In such a case, no one would want to buy a cleaner that takes an eternity to get started. Thus, ensuring that the pool cleaner is absolutely easy to start is one among the many things to note while buying one.
  6. Noise – As the cleaner does its job, no one would want to get disturbed by the noise it generates. Therefore, bringing in a pool cleaner that is not just quiet but delivers an overall smooth operation always helps. In this manner, you do opt have to deal with the complaints from your neighbours as well.
  7. Repairs and maintenance – A good quality sturdy pool cleaner would not be a home to any of the repairs. However, if you indulge in buying a cleaner without proper study as to how prone it is to the repairs, ultimately you are at the suffering end. Thus, a thorough research on how good the pool cleaner’s performance is aids in making the right choice.
  8. Warranty – Worst case scenario – no matter how much you take care of the cleaner, there might be cases wherein it undergoes repairs. In such a case, what comes in handy is – buying a cleaner that is backed by a decent warranty policy. Even if there are certain repairs to deal with, you need not worry much as the warranty policy would take care of the same. 
  9. Hose length – What length of the hose does the cleaner come with is one of the most important things to be kept a note of when it comes to buying a pool cleaner. This is because if the pool is large or is very deep, a short cable length wouldn’t work here. For a large or a deep pool, a cleaner that comes with a cord that is quite lengthy is the right choice.
  10. Additional advanced features – pool cleaners have a wide range of features to offer. With every new model that makes its entry into the market, we get to see unique features that make each cleaner stand out from the rest. These days, pool cleaners are equipped with a lot of features like weekly scheduling, dirty filter indicator, Bluetooth and smartphone capabilities, cycle selector, etc. It is important to weigh the options available. Having a clear picture of which features are you not willing to miss out on helps in making the right choice of pool cleaner. Additionally, the time that goes in making the right choice is a lot less when you know what features you are looking forward to in your pool cleaner.

With these points in mind, you are bound to make a better and faster decision pertaining to the type of pool cleaner you want for your pool.

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