10 Reasons Your Truck Accident Claim Can be Rejected

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There are several reasons why your truck accident claim may be rejected. Perhaps the most common reason is that you weren’t wearing your seatbelt at the collision. Law enforcement officers will often cite this as evidence that you bear responsibility for your injuries and have no grounds to request compensation. Here are ten reasons why your claim will be rejected.

1. Using a Private Car for Commercial Purpose

Your insurer could decline your claim if it is discovered that you were using your vehicle for something other than personal use. This is because commercial vehicles will fall under different laws and regulations.

2. Unworthy Vehicle

If you have an accident in a vehicle that has not been appropriately maintained and has issues, your claim may be rejected. This is often the case with older cars, for example.

3. Unlicensed Driver

If you have been driving without a license, your truck accident claim may be rejected. You will be required to provide proof and documentation, including your driver’s license.

4. Driving Recklessly Under the Influence

Driving under the influence is a severe offense, and if you cause an accident and hurt someone, you will most certainly be held responsible for your actions. You will also lose your license, and because of this, it is unlikely that you will receive any compensation from your insurance company. Ensure you are sober while driving to avoid truck accident injuries.

5. No Tracking and Security Device

Insurance companies will not pay claims unless they can prove that the vehicle was being operated according to the policies, such as a tracking device.

6. Premiums are Not Paid on Time

Most insurance companies provide a grace period to pay your premiums. If the premium is not paid on time or you fail to pay it all together, your policy can be revoked, and you will lose coverage. If you are involved in an accident, your insurance company may not compensate you.

7. Car Not Parked Correctly

If your car is parked improperly, there is a good chance that it will be damaged in an accident. Therefore, there is the possibility that you will seek compensation. If you were found to have a parked vehicle in an unsafe way, or if you parked your truck improperly and were able to avoid accidents, your claim may be rejected. Visit FIA for more information.

8. Vehicle Inspection Not Processed

When you take your vehicle in for inspection, the inspector will note any damages or issues. If they are not fixed properly, and there is an accident, the insurance company may decide that a preexisting problem caused the damage.

9. No Evidence of Crash

Most insurance policies have a clause about compensation for vehicles that have been involved in accidents without evidence of the accident being processed by law enforcement officials. Therefore, if an accident hasn’t been reported to the police, your claim may be denied automatically. To learn more, visit Wellness Corner.

10. Non-disclosure of Information

If you have failed to disclose important information and your insurance company later discovers it, you may not be compensated. This is because you didn’t follow the terms and conditions of the contract.

In conclusion, every individual case is different and has its legal requirements. For this reason, it’s essential to talk with a lawyer before you make your claim so that you have the best chance possible of receiving all the compensation you deserve.

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