10 Reasons Why Your Ebooks Are Not Selling


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After so many long nights and days struggling to complete your ebook. Then you finish the same, two months later, to only have no sales on it. Argh! It gets quite not frustrating and you keep wondering why it is that way.

Well… do not lose hope just yet. The purpose of this post is to show you the 10 likely reasons why your ebooks are not selling and what you need to avert them. In the meantime, you can check here for the best among other ebook conversion companies.


Not knowing the level of competition you are going to face when after publishing your ebooks can be disastrous. And most writers face this problem of competition. They fail to have a solution for the same and thus affect the sales of their ebooks. The first thing you need to consider is what you will be up against in the market, who are those controlling the market. When you know them and study their way, then how to defeat them wouldn’t be far fetched. You want your ebooks above all sorts of competition, then you must stake it above competition too. 

Not Knowing Your Niche Or Sub-niche

Forgetting about what you should stand for might be disastrous in the long run. You don’t know your niche. Or you did know your niche but not the market value of the same. This can also cause a lack of sales for your ebooks. What is the market value for your niche? is it a hot topic? All these are what you need to take into consideration before considering writing or publishing an ebook. 

Your Audience 

Who is your audience? Who will buy the ebooks you write? Not knowing your audience is bad for your sale as you will not know who you are to market to. Pitching your ebooks against the wrong market will frustrate you and sap you of your energy. So, you should know your audience first, the wider your audience, the larger your sales will be. 

No Market 

This is the same as the above with a slight difference. Are your ebooks sellable? Can you find a ready market for your work? When nobody knows about publishing your ebooks, it will result in a bad market. 

Book Cover 

Having an unrelated image as your ebook cover will cause you a lot of sales. Regardless of the myth, people still judge a book by its cover. Make sure your ebook cover is not unattractive and boring or not relating to your content or title. 

Your Price Range 

Are you selling your ebooks too high or too low? If the price of your ebooks is too high, it will seem like extortion to your audience. And if it is too low, it will send a message of no value to your potential readers. Do a price survey before pitching your ebooks to the public. Let your price resonates with the confidence you have in your work but do not be detached from reality. 

Baseless Expectation

Having an unrealistic expectation of having your ebooks doing numbers on the market table while it turns out to do otherwise can affect your confidence in the same. Thereby causing you a lack of interest in marketing your ebooks properly. Except less, let’s your works be the judge. 

Market, Do Not Sell

Selling your ebooks can send a negative message to your audience or readers. Believe it or not. The way to sell ebooks is quite different from the ways of selling other products and services. How you market your ebooks will be a determinant to how people take you seriously to thereby trust you. Trust in you is what will result in sales for you. 

No Editing 

The lack of professional touch on your ebooks might be what is causing your sales opportunity. How well was your ebook edited before you published the same? Do you think, writing alone is what will make your ebooks do numbers? How well is the formatting the same? Well, if you think your ebooks do not need an additional touch before publishing. By now, the proof should be telling you otherwise. Your lack of sales should resonate deeper when next you are publishing. 

Lack of Fan Base

Do you think you can put something on nothing, without it falling? I am sorry to tell you that, without no fanbase who can vouch for you out there, your ebooks will be lacking for sale. Build your fanbase with trust. They are the ones who will give you a review to help market your ebooks.

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