10 Myths about Hiring older Workers as Apprentices

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Hiring older workers and employing them as apprentices is surprisingly the best decision one could make. With technological advancement, we think that older workers could be unproductive and may be a barrier to growth. 

But the truth is that considering people over 50 for mature age apprenticeship will show how diversifying your workforce is and give your business the much-needed knowledge and experience. This article will present the common myths about older workers and why they are wrong.

Some Common Myths

1. Older workers are less capable of solving problems.

It is stated that old workers are not that capable and efficient enough in solving problems. Still, the reality is that with their wealth of experience, they can determine the right solutions and develop effective problem-solving strategies. They even take less uncalculated risks and handle adverse situations maturely.

2. Older workers cost more.

In terms of cost, this is the biggest myth that older apprentices will cost more than younger co-workers. It isn’t the way how one is recruited in a business. The research shows that a young employee tends to change more jobs compared to older ones, so recruitment of an older worker can always be fruitful to business as they have lower turnover rates and thus can save the time and money of the employer.

3. Older workers call off sick a lot.

Older workers may indeed fall sick often, but they never skip work due to illness. Even their sick leaves are less than younger workers, as reported by the insurance firm. So, hiring workers as apprentices will help your business to only contribute to their training and assessment costs while you can apply for Government funds for the rest.

4. Older workers have poor memories.

Having a good memory is not directly related to the age factor. It is based on many parameters, including a proper diet, stress-free living, and a happy lifestyle. While an older person can be more prone to memory loss, aging alone is not the culprit behind all the memory issues. Even a young employee can have poor memories and may even affect the performance level of any business.

5. Older workers have trouble learning new things.

Older people who apply for jobs are more energetic than the younger lot because at this age, too, they are hungry to learn new and adapt to new systems. They have good attention spans and try to make that extra effort to understand new training programs. Their enthusiasm to learn new tools and technologies and their perfected skills for time management give them that extra edge which can take a long time for young people to acquire.

6. Older workers are just waiting for retirement. 

Older employees care for their jobs and therefore stay around longer. Morally they have more loyalty to an employer than younger generations and are less apt to jump ship simply because they are bored or discouraged. They take on the challenges and try to improve the world, irrespective of young workers who jump from one boat to another and only seek to benefit themselves in matters of position and salary. Thus, older workers as apprentices are the most stable part of the workforce both in tenure and in growth and can provide long-term ROI for your business.

7. Older workers are not up to date on technology.

Older workers understand the importance and need for technology in the workplace and are never shy to learn from young workers. They aren’t tech-savvy people but make proactive efforts to embrace technology. They are seeking certifications and advanced degrees for employment. They are always looking for an opportunity to contribute their talents and skills to take your company to the next level.

8. Old Workers won’t bring anything to my business.

There is a common myth that an older person may have a low educational qualification and won’t bring anything to the business. However, this isn’t the truth. They have the skills and confidence to push your business to new heights even in extreme adversities and have the attributes to perform in stressful situations. They put forward their creativity and experience to bring anything new to the workforce. They not only fill your skill gap but improve your business productivity with their resilience.

9. It is tough for older employees to keep up in a 24/7 business environment.

It is the biggest myth that older worker isn’t productive and tend to only look out for their retirement. Instead, the truth is that older employers are sincere and always honest to their employers and try to give their best in every situation. If we neglect their dynamic, experienced and creative, then any business will fail to achieve its desired goals.

10. Offering an apprenticeship to an older person is wasting time.

Apprentices are always for young candidates between the age of 16-18 who pass out from high school. But hiring older workers can give your business the needed reliability provided with a strong work ethic by putting their existing skills and knowledge to good use. Having them on your team can be extremely credible for your business and promote a good image among other organizations.


People at the end of the age spectrum can be a great asset to your organization and bring value to your team, as evident from the above-mentioned points. Let’s adopt age-friendly hiring practices and make it a win-win situation for your business.

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