10 Key Signs Of A Locksmith Scam You Should Know

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Everybody needs to hire a locksmith service at some point. In general, we look for the right one when we are stuck with some emergency. Either it a vehicle lockout or house break-in, a locksmith comes into mind at the last moment. But you should always aware of Locksmith Scam.

A quick search for a nearby locksmith seems to be the perfect solution. The only issue with this quick fix is that it is risky. When you hire a locksmith without proper background checks, you are putting yourself at grave risk. It may lead to vehicle theft, damaged locks, or heavy locksmith bills. Nobody wants any of these. 

Fortunately, most of the scams follow a similar pattern.  If you want to minimize the risk you should know the key signs of a locksmith scam. Once you know who to avoid it is easy to find the best local locksmith service.

Here are 10 Key Signs Of A Locksmith Scam You Should Know

1. Extremely Cheap Quotes

One of the most common versions of the Locksmith scam is the extremely cheap quote. When you call the company representative they would give you an estimate that seems too good to be true. In most cases, the initial price is told to lure the customers into hiring them. These scammers prey on consumers’ vulnerabilities. Once they arrive for fixing the locks, the prices start to increase and you end up paying hundreds more than expected.

2. Inconsistent Company Credentials, If Any

A locksmith scam can rip you off of money, vehicle, and peace of mind. It is important to be sure about the credibility of a company before you let them help you. If a locksmith service calls appear to be generic and they are hesitant to provide a company name, hang up. The scammers will rarely have consistent credentials. Even if there is a company name, its registration and online profile are almost nonexistent.

3. Avoid Answering Your Key Questions

The key questions about the company names, prices, response times and availability need to be answered honestly.  The best locksmith companies go to all lengths to answer the queries. They understand the concerns of a person stuck in an emergency and are always ready to help you. Don’t forget to ask about the hiring methods. Is the company registered or licensed? Is it insured? Scammers generally avoid such key questions and encourage you to hire quick fixes.

4. Begin To Work Without Confirming Property Ownership

A certified locksmith is supposed to confirm the property owner before they break-in. It is one of the easiest ways to tell the difference between a professional locksmith and an opportunist. If a locksmith arrives at your doorstep and begins opening the door lock without asking for your identity or proofs of ownership, stop them right. It is better late than sorry. Keep in mind that a locksmith has easy access to your address and door locks. This information can be later used to commit heinous crimes against you.

5. Insistent On Lock Drilling

The best locksmiths are trained to open almost any kind of lock. If you have hired a professional with field expertise they can break into the most cryptic locks. If a certified locksmith finds something unfamiliar they would prefer informing you about it instead of drilling through it. Whereas the scammers are almost always insistent on lock drilling. They can fool you into installing poor quality locks. If your locksmith offers lock drilling as the first solution, it is best to look for another service provider.

6. Vague Calls

Your first call to the locksmith can speak a lot about their professionalism. If you are being hung up for long times, the company representative hurries you into making a decision or fails to answer your questions clearly, it is best not to hire them. Vague calls generally mean that they are subcontracting the job to handymen.  Reliable locksmiths help you in determining their credibility but never force you into hiring them.

7. Slow Response Times

Locksmithing demands immediate responses. The nature of the job requires a professional to provide emergency services with fast response times. If you are dealing with a locksmith who is struggling to find your address or is unsure about their service times, drop the deal. Vehicle lockouts can get pretty dangerous especially when you are deserted at an odd hour. Stay in touch with a locksmith that offers emergency services in your area.

8. Demand For Cash Or Upfront Payment

More often than not, scammers ask for full payment in cash. They don’t want to have a record of the transaction so they can vanish as soon as you pay them. The best locksmith offers payment plans, especially for the security system installations.

9. A Company Established Overnight

If you find yourself stuck with a lockout emergency, it is normal to get impatient and hire the first locksmith company you see. This is risky! You may be hiring a company that is established overnight just to cater to emergency needs. These are scammers roaming in the disguise of a locksmith.

10. No Warranties And Written Contracts

The best local locksmith service companies provide warranties and never work without written contracts.

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