10 Best Personality Captions for Instagram

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If you’re looking for the best personality captions for Instagram, you’ve come to the right place. We’re going to show you the top ten personality captions for Instagram that you can use on the photos and videos that you want to upload on Instagram.

Your personality is what distinguishes you from others. It has nothing to do with how you appear or how you dress. It is about how you communicate, engage, and manage different circumstances. We all want to depict ourselves as a strong-willed human beings, whether in real life or on virtual platforms. ‎Therefore building of personality is an ongoing process.

Your photographs don’t reveal anything about the type of person you are. If you add a strong personality caption with that photograph it will add more power to it. A strong personality caption may also significantly affect your friends’ perceptions of you.

Positive personality captions can be used to inspire friends who want to enhance their personality. You can also employ your sense of humor in the caption. Try out these personality captions and set a good example for your pals. Here are the top ten captions about personality for Instagram.

1. It’s the beauty that captures your attention; the personality that captures your heart.

Beauty is a short lived thing which only captures people’s attention for a limited amount of time. It is a person’s personality that is a concrete thing which is going to stay with him or her for a very long time. So we should all just focus on the personality of other people instead of just getting mesmerized by their beauty. This caption can act as a lesson to many people who are trying to build a unique personality.

2. The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.

Do you have a strong personality and desire to be a motivator for other people? If yes, you may share these strong personality captions on your Instagram page. These strong personality captions can serve as a motivator to keep you determined. This is the type of motivation we should all be seeking. In everyone’s life there are a number of people who keep doubting them. You can prove them wrong by achieving what they think you would not be able to.

3. A positive attitude will lead to positive outcomes.

This could not have been be more true! You should make this caption a part of your life. It is your positive attitude that solves your problem for you. You should always keep a positive mindset that you are going to get through the tough times life makes you go through. You are going to cross all the hurdles that have been put before you. Because attitude plays a great role in your journey. If you start your journey with negative mindset you’re going to face a lot of trouble because your morale. You can also serve as a beacon of hope for many individuals who are going through difficult times if you keep positive mindset.

4. Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it. –Bruce Lee

This caption clearly states that we should not look for role models and copy the exact lifestyles they are living. Instead we should look on our inside and identify what we are capable of ourselves. This is what that is going to make you successful. So you should keep all of the focus on yourself and your personality.

5. Being male is a matter of birth, being man is a matter of age, but being gentleman is a matter of choice.

This caption is for boys. It is admitted that you does not have any say in where you are born and who raised you. But what you become is totally up to you. The only thing that matters is your attitude and personality that who you choose to be. Whether you are black or white, rich or poor, if you are good at heart you are definitely going to be loved by other people because this is what matters the most. You can also show your swag through this caption.

6. Makeup and high heels are a plus, but a great smile and personality should be a must.

This caption is especially for girls who are too much into makeup and dressing and other such things. It is not to say that these things are bad but these are not the only things that make a good personality. A girl’s personality should be a reflection of her style and personality both. What girls should focus more on is their personality. If they have a good personality more people will be attracted towards them so they should keep their priorities straight and try to develop a good personality along with good outlook.

7. A beautiful appearance will last a few decades, but a beautiful personality will last a lifetime.

It is often said that beauty fades away with time. This could not be more true. But your personality is a sub total of all your actions which is built over long period of time. Therefore if you are one of those people who prefer your personality over your beautiful appearance then this caption is for you. As you get older, you fall more in love with those who have a personality rather than those who have a beautiful face. This is because people with personalities know how to keep their word. Let your followers know if you, too, have a golden heart by using this caption. ‎

8. There’s nothing wrong with being who you are. It’s what makes everyone different.

Diversity is a beautiful thing. Every person in this world has been built differently. There is no shame in being different from the rest of the people. This is what makes you unique. So you should be proud of yourself and you should not copy others. Instead you try to create your own self-image in the society.

9. Personality begins where comparison leaves off. Be unique. Be memorable. Be confident. Be proud. –Shannon L. Alder

This is one of the most beautiful caption by Shannon L. Alder. We see this thing around us every now and then that most of the people try to copy the lifestyle of successful people of different professions. Getting inspiration from someone’s life or story is a good thing but copying what they do are how they are, is a very negative thing to do. Therefore you should take pride in who you are and what makes you different. Be yourself!

10. Your appearance can catch anyone’s attention but it’s your personality that makes them stay with you.

This caption can be used for both friendships and relationships. Most of us start loving other people because of their appearance but we decide to stay or not to stay with them because of their personality. A person might be good looking but if he or she has a bad personality then we always look to part ways with them. But if he or she isn’t that beautiful but is good at heart we always try to remain on good terms with them and we also enjoy their company a lot. So if you have someone like that in your life you can use this caption for them.


We hope you enjoyed this fantastic selection of personality captions. Personality is a synthesis of thoughts, feelings, conduct, attitude, and liking. Everyone want to have a charming personality. Being a decent person is more essential than being a well looking person.

A person’s personality is something that people remember long after they die, hence it is important to have a personality that others remember in positive terms. Personality captions will assist you to a great extent in maintaining your personality. ‎

Be a person who keeps their word and show others how trustworthy you are, with these personality captions. Be the type of person that motivates others to succeed and achieve their goals in life. If you want to inspire others with your personality on social media, use any of these captions. These will be really motivating for them. ‎

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