1 Rabbit Saw 9 Elephants Riddle Answer | Read below to Solve This English Vs Maths Battle


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1 Rabbit Saw 9 Elephants riddle is going viral all over the internet during this Covid period. Scroll down to know more about 1 Rabbit going to the river answer and 1 rabbit going to the river answer.

The COVID-19 period has created massive difficulties in human life and has locked us in their homes since last year. People cannot meet their friends and family because they cannot step out of their homes. They only connect through online platforms such as text messages, calls, social media, video calls on various software, and many more. But it doesn’t satisfy them. Along with chatting or video calling, they are engaged through many challenges, such as dance step challenges, games, workout challenges, solving riddles and puzzles and many more. The one challenge that is going viral these days is 1 Rabbit Saw 9 Elephants riddle, and people are going crazy with this riddle and are challenging each other to solve it. According to some proven studies, puzzles and riddles are the most mind-training games. That keeps your mind engaged and focused on a single thing. That helps to increase the efficiency of the human mind. And 1 Rabbit saw 9 elephants riddle is one of the most engaging puzzles.

Now, the 1 Rabbit saw 9 elephants’ riddle is wandering into your mind, and I believe you are curious to find the 1 Rabbit going to the river answer. Several people are trying hard to solve this puzzle and are not sure if their result is correct or not. But 1 Rabbit saw 9 elephants’ riddle has built an atmosphere of fun and competition in their lives. So, to find the 1 Rabbit going to the river answer, scroll down to know everything about 1 Rabbit going to the river answer.

1 Rabbit saw 9 elephants when he was going to the river, the battle of English and Mathematics

There is the battle of English and Mathematics and was posted on social media platforms. i.e., Facebook and Twitter. Given below is the explanation for this.

‘(1 Rabbit saw 9 Elephants when he was going to the river. All the Elephants saw three Monkeys going toward the river. All the monkeys had one parrot in each hand. How many numbers of animals are going to the river?’)

According to the sentence, one rabbit saw nine elephants. It means there are nine elephants and only one rabbit. And, in the other line, it claims each Elephant saw three monkeys going to the river. Try to understand this sentence. It says that each Elephant saw three monkeys. So, there are nine Elephants, and according to this total number of monkeys will be 27 (9 Elephants x 3 Monkeys = 27).

But the main twist is remaining in this sentence. This twist is that nine elephants saw three monkeys are going to the river, which means all the nine elephants saw only three monkeys. The next sentence shows that all the three monkeys have one parrot in each hand. So, three monkeys equal Six hands, and six hands mean six parrots. 

The last question is that how many animals are going towards the river?

According to the first statement, 1 Rabbit saw 9 Elephants while going towards the river. It clearly shows that Elephants are not going to the river. So, according to the calculation (1 Rabbit + 3 Monkeys + 6 Parrots = 10). 

But wait, the parrot is a bird, not an animal. So, by deducting the number of parrots in the calculation. The answer to How many animals are going towards the river is four animals.

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